Best Spots in Canada for Nature & Landscape Photography this Spring

Spring brings with it one of the best times in the year to head out and capture some beautiful, nature-rich landscape photographs. Lucky for us, in Canada we’re blessed from east coast to west coast with loads of picture-perfect locations to shoot! Planning a photography getaway with just you and your camera? Our LDExperts in the Photolab are sharing their must-visit places to capture stunning shots of Canada’s natural beauty this spring.

Dempster Highway

Planning a road trip this spring? The 740 km bucket list journey from Dawson City, Yukon to Inuvik, Northwest Territories offers incredible scenery, wide open spaces and remote beauty. It provides the perfect opportunity to cover all of Northern Canada in a single trip, and there are several picturesque locations to snap beautiful landscape shots. The best part of the journey? It even traverses the Arctic Circle! For aerial shots that capture the pure vastness of the terrain, consider bringing along a drone to take some epic shots from above.

Gros Morne National Park

For a diverse range of landscapes, look no further than Gros Morne National Park. A UNESCO World Heritage Site covering 1,805 square kilometres, it offers views like no other. Soaring fjords and moody mountains tower above a diverse panorama of beaches and bogs, forests and barren cliffs. If you’re lucky, you’ll even get a chance to capture a shot of some local nature, like a moose!

Kananaskis Country

Situated to the west of Calgary, in the foothills and front ranges of the Canadian Rockies, Kananaskis Country is a popular destination for Albertans looking for a wealth of landscape photo opps. Photographer Tyler Todesco captured this beautiful shot and had it printed on one of our aluminum mental panels: “I chose to print on aluminum because it gave the picture a lot of depth. I was really happy with how it turned out when blown up, the colors were extremely vivid.”

Vermillion Lakes

This year-round 4.3 km scenic road offers wildlife viewing opportunities and breathtaking scenery. With Mount Rundle creating the perfect backdrop, it’s no surprise this is a favorite destination among photographers. Spring brings the added beauty of snow-capped mountains and clear blue lakes against a beautiful sunset.

Cabot Trail

Rising from the sea and clinging to mountains, the Cabot Trail will take you through majestic ocean vistas and quiet fishing villages. It is one of the world’s most scenic drives and if you’re looking for something more adventurous, it offers hikers a great experience with a rewarding view. A trip around the Cabot Trail is not complete without seeing the highlands from the water. We guarantee you’ll be stopping every 5 minutes to snap a photograph along this route!

Grand Beach

Looking for a destination that offers great landscapes for photography and doubles as a beach vacation? Check out Grand Beach, Manitoba! Resting along the eastern shore of Lake Winnipeg, Grand Beach is a freshwater beach with white sand backed by sand dunes that are 30 ft high. It is truly an undiscovered treasure in southern Manitoba.

Fogo Island

With a long maritime history, Fogo Island is the largest offshore island of Newfoundland and Labrador. With bright-colored houses, sea-cliff footpaths, and a lush forest set against a striking coastline, it provides the perfect landscape for picturesque photographs.


Surrounded on three sides by saltwater and emerald islands, Tofino is a great spot to capture the West Coast in the spring. Perfect for a weekend getaway, Tofino offers photographers an opportunity to capture sandy beaches, vivid sunsets and beautiful waves. The spring season also marks the return of the whale migration with Pacific Gray Whales and possibly Humpback Whales.


If you’re looking to capture beautiful spring cherry blossoms, Victoria is the perfect destination. One of the most well-known places to photograph spring blossoms is along View Street in the heart of Downtown Victoria. North of Victoria, The Butchart Gardens erupts into a sea of vibrant colour each spring and offers tulip displays and fragrant blossoms. For photographers looking to capture the floral beauty of spring, Victoria is definitely a must-visit.


Don’t leave those gorgeous shots lying on your camera or laptop! At the London Drugs Photolab, we’ve got a wide range of printing and enlargement options. Or create a photo book to showcase your best spring photography. Our aluminum metal panels are also great for making the vibrant colors in your spring shots really pop.  Unsure of what the best option is for your pics? Head to your nearest London Drugs store and speak to one of our LDExperts in the photolab!

5 Photography Tips for Stunning Landscapes

As winter turns to spring, outdoor landscapes begin to bloom and blossom with stunning photo ops. If you’ve got your photography equipment ready to go, here are some helpful tips to ensure you capture your next outdoor masterpiece.

1. Near and Far, It’s All Relative

When photographing stunning natural landmarks such as mountains, try to capture not only the hero of the image but also its immediate surroundings. That way you can give the viewer a greater sense of scale.

As you’re framing your shot, have a look around you to see if there’s something closer than your hero subject that will help you tell a better story in your shot as a whole. A wide angle lens like Olympus’ 9-18mm ultra wide angle lens will increase the space differential, helping you to better tell that story.

Photo tips for landscapes

In this shot, while it would have been easy to photograph just the water and lighthouse, taking a step back and including the rock formation in the foreground gives the shot a better sense of space.

Tips for Landscape Photography

If you’re having trouble finding foreground subjects, consider using people. The human element can drastically change the feel of the image too, because then the person becomes the image’s hero!

2. Shoot at the Best Times of the Day

Did you know there are better times of the day to photograph landscapes (apart from when there is good light and the sky is clear and blue). There are four specific times of the day that pros love to shoot — provided the weather is ideal. These are called the golden hour and the blue hour, and both of these phenomena happen twice a day — in the early morning and in the late afternoon.

Landscape Photography Tips

Golden hour occurs just after sunrise and before sunset — when the light is softer and bathes everything in a soft yellow glow that is very pleasant to photograph. Most things (including people) look better when photographed in this light.

Landscape Photography Tips

The blue hour occurs after the sun has dropped below the horizon and bathes everything in a soft blue light. This light creates a nice contrast to the warmth of golden light, and can make your image feel colder. The blue hour is a particularly good time for shooting urban landscapes and cityscapes, as it make landscapes look very dramatic and colour-rich.

3. Add Drama to Your Shot by Slowing Down Your Shutter Speed and Getting the Most Out of Your Filters

Because there is generally plenty of light during the day, using slow shutter speeds can be challenging. This is where your Neutral Density (ND) Filter will come in handy. Slowing down your shutter speed allows your camera to capture the flow and movement of things rather than the sharp features people would be most used to seeing. For example, waterfalls and streams can look stunning when slower shutter speeds are used. Just remember to pack your tripod!

A polarizing filter will allow you to remove the reflections off reflective surfaces such as water or glass. This is particularly useful when you’re trying to make your images look cleaner. Additionally, you can also stack filters so that you combine the effect of an ND and a polarizing filter!

Landscape Photography Tips

In this shot of a waterfall, notice how it is difficult to see the detail in the waterfall. Because of the way it was shot, it looks like the water is flowing rather than stationary. This is because this shot was taken at a slower shutter speed. In this shot, the camera was set to a shutter speed of two seconds. This allows the camera to adequately blur the waterfall.

Landscape Photography Tips

By slowing down your shutter speed, notice that rather than seeing the waves of the sea crashing on the beach, you instead see a serene flow? This was a 30-second exposure. Just remember that you will need a tripod to achieve this result as you will not be steady enough to handhold the camera.

Landscape Photography Tips

Landscape Photography Tips

This is the same shot, however a neutral density (ND) filter was used to allow for slower shutter speeds. This shot was taken at 30 seconds and allows for the water to be less distracting ensuring that the viewer concentrates on the heroes of this shot – the bridge and the mountains!

Landscape Photography Tips

A polarizer will remove reflection from the surface of the water so that you can see the detail underneath. Notice how you can see detail of the rocks underneath the water?

4. Get Lower to Accentuate Your Perspective and Subjects

Sometimes when you take a landscape shot, it just lacks that extra pop? It could be that you are simply not getting down low enough. Vistas that stretch for miles on end can be exaggerated by the simple act of photographing from a lower perspective.

Mirrorless cameras with articulating screens, such as the one found in the Olympus E-M5 Mark II, will allow you to get lower without placing undue stress on your back or knees.

Landscape Photography Tips

See in this image how the camera was positioned close to the surface of the sand so that you see the footsteps leading toward the shipwreck? Shooting lower allows you to accentuate your perspective as well as provide the viewer with something interesting to follow in the shot – in this case, the footsteps.

5. Converging Lines Will Always Help Frame Your Shot

Ever noticed when you look at some pictures how your eye is lead to look toward a certain direction? This is often because of a phenomenon called converging lines. Due to perspective, if edges run parallel into the distance, those edges will seem to appear to get closer and closer as the distance increases. A great example of that is when you look at train tracks into the distance. Identifying converging lines in your shot is an essential skill for landscape photography that will take your game to the next level!

Landscape Photography Tips

In this photo, the lines made by the buildings guide your eyes toward the right side of the image. This is a great way to use landscape features to lead the viewer’s gaze.

London Drugs carries a wide range of equipment for all your photography needs. Come talk to one of our experts in store, or check out our camera equipment online.

Bringing in the Christmas Cheer with Your Best Friend: 5 Tips for Great Christmas Dog Photos

It’s that special time of the year again, a chance to get together with our friends and families and celebrate the festive season. But for pet owners, family does not just include those with two legs. Your four-legged bundles of joy are just as much a part of the family, and deserve a spot next to you in Christmas photos. Here are some quick tips to help ensure that your best friend looks just as good as everyone else in your pictures this year!

1. Winners are grinners – Get them active to get their best smiles!

Olympus E-M1 Mark II w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.2 PRO

A dog’s smile is one of the happiest things in the world! Make sure you can get those smiles by taking your pup out for a quick run before you start taking pictures. Five to 10 minutes of play or a brisk walk should suffice, but don’t overdo it, otherwise as soon as you start taking photos, they will want to lie down and rest. (It still might look cute though!)

Olympus PEN-F w/ M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8

2. Get down to their level to get their best angle

Olympus E-M10 Mark III w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8

While it may be much simpler to take a photo of your puppy from eye height – this angle is not overly flattering for your pup. Getting down to their level will make them look less diminutive, and help to fill up your frame. The smaller the pup, the lower you are going to need to get. Mirrorless cameras from London Drugs such as the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III with tilting touchscreens, or cameras with articulating screens will help you get your camera lower while putting less strain on your back.

Olympus E-M10 Mark III w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8

3. Portrait lenses will make your pup look stunning

Olympus E-M10 Mark III w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8

By changing your lens, you can really make your pup pop in your images. Portrait lenses help to isolate your subject. This means that while your subject will be in focus, everything around them will be blurred and will not distract from the focus of the image – even if there are other things in the image such as people. Just remember to always try to focus on the eyes or the nose!

Olympus’ 45mm f1.8 portrait lens is a great value choice that combines razor sharp optics and pleasing blur to make your subject stand out in the image. For DSLRs, a portrait lens between 50mm to 85mm would also be ideal. London Drugs has a wide range of portrait lenses to ensure that all your family members look stunning this festive season!

Olympus E-M1 Mark III w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8

4. Shoot at the right time of the day for photographing people and pets

Olympus PEN-F w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.2 PRO

Like everything in life, some moments are better than others for maximizing your photo opportunities. Same thing goes for taking photos of your pets! If the weather is fine, there are two times of the day ideal for taking great pet photos: two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset. At these times of the day, the light is more pleasant and there are less harsh shadows. The bonus is that the closer you are to sunrise and sunset, the more golden the light, which can give a feeling of warmth and happiness!

Olympus PEN-F w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.2 PRO

5. Keep their attention – Treats are the key!

Olympus PEN-F w/ M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8

We all love good food at this time of year; so does your pup, and they will be extra keen to let you know, so use that to your advantage! Hold a treat in your hand just above the lens when you are about to take a photo. This way, your dog is paying attention to the food and ensures that they are looking near the camera. Just don’t forget to pick up some treats in the pet food section next time you’re at London Drugs before Christmas.

Olympus E-M1 Mark iI w/ M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8

Whether you are thinking about buying a new camera, or a new lens, your London Drugs photo specialist will be able to show you exactly what you need for the best Christmas pictures of your pup. Also, don’t forget that you can print those photos and gift them! To get started on your own personalized gifts, just visit our London Drugs Photolab online, in-store or simply download our London Drugs Photolab App for iOS and Android.

Merry Christmas!

Evolution Meets Revolution as Canon Announces the All-New EOS R System

Optical Innovation Inspires the Next Leap Forward in Imaging

Pre-order your Canon EOS R today!

BRAMPTON, ON., September 5, 2018 – Canon Canada Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced the next revolution in the company’s long history of innovative and award-winning camera systems, the EOS R system featuring the newly designed RF mount. Recognizing the need to advance optical design, the Company sought to create a versatile and powerful new system that supports all current EF, EF-S, TS-E and MP-E lenses1, and also provides the optical advancements and engineering flexibility to build upon for years to come.

When Canon set forth to develop a new interchangeable lens camera system, they focused on three core optical principles: high-image quality, high-specification performance, and compact design. Recognizing that optics is the foundation for any camera system, the RF mount was conceived to open new doors in optical design. Canon’s new RF mount features the same size diameter as the EF mount (54mm) and shorter back focus distance. This allows for lenses to sit closer to the sensor (the focal plane) and allowed Canon optical engineers to reimagine lens design utilizing larger rear lens elements to produce an image on the full-frame sensor. This new optical formula has paved the way for higher performing lenses. In addition, the Canon RF mount features a high-speed 12-pin communication system that provides faster and more in-depth communication between the camera and lens over existing Canon mount systems.

The EOS R system is designed for full, uninhibited compatibility with all existing EF, EF-S, TS-E and MP-E lenses through the use of mount adapters2. In addition, through the use of the optional Drop-In Filter Mount Adapter or Control Ring Mount Adapter these lenses, in fact, gain functionality.

The First in a New System: The EOS R
The new Canon EOS R full-frame mirrorless camera features a 30.3 megapixel CMOS sensor that is powered by the Company’s latest image processor, DIGIC 8, enabling shooting at up to 8.0 frames per second3. The new camera inherits a lot from Canon’s legacy in both EOS and Cinema EOS. Video storytellers can capture stunning 4K UHD video up to 30fps and record in 10-bit 4:2:2 (with an external recorder). The EOS R also comes with the ability to shoot Canon Log, providing 12 stops of dynamic range, minimal loss of detail in shadows and highlighted areas and an increased range of choices when colour grading. Users with an existing collection of Canon lenses will be excited to know that all EF and EF-S lens are compatible with the camera. In order to do so, photographers and videographers can choose between using one of three new mount adapters, each uniquely designed to meet the individual needs of the user.

The new Canon EOS R camera features Dual Pixel CMOS Auto Focus with 5,655 manually selectable AF points4, supporting AF at up to f/11 with a 384 zone (24×16) real-time metering system. With f/1.2 lenses, the camera astonishingly boasts AF sensitivity in low light in as little as EV-6. When using the RF 24-105mm F4 L IS USM lens with the EOS R, the camera can focus in as little as 0.05 seconds with Dual Pixel CMOS AF5, making it the fastest autofocus speed in the world6. These features provide photographers and videographers with Canon’s most advanced AF system to date. The EOS R also features a silent shutter setting when shooting in single-shot mode; an important feature for those who need to capture imagery without disrupting the scene. An upcoming free firmware update will enable silent shutter in continuous shooting mode as well.

Thoughts from the First Users
“I think every camera system has its place and it’s all about having the right tool for the job,” reported acclaimed outdoor photographer and Canon Explorer of Light Jimmy Chin. “The new EOS R system for me in particular is very useful for the kind of shooting that I do in the mountains, where I need to worry about the size and weight. Having the option to use the new RF lenses or the EF lenses is really great.”

“I was instantly impressed with how quickly the EOS R was able to focus,” remarked celebrated fashion photographer and Canon Explorer of Light Lindsay Adler. “Whether my subject was moving or I was shooting in near-complete darkness, I had no problem getting tack-sharp focus in every shot. It was a relief to know my gear wasn’t going to hold me back from executing my vision, but instead it would really help me to execute this vision.”

“For us, it’s all about getting the shot no one else can get, and a lot of this has to do with the camera,” says Devin Graham, director and filmmaker behind YouTube’s DevinSuperTramp. “The new EOS R will become one of our main cameras. It has a very small footprint, yet is able to create amazing images. As for the lenses, the new RF 28-70mm F2 has just become one of my all-time favourites. I’ll be bringing it on every project.”

Conveniently placed just to the right of the EVF, Canon has introduced a new Multi-Function Bar that will allows users to more easily access their customizable settings, such as AF, ISO and White Balance. Users will have the option to either slide or tap the bar to gain access to the settings and adjust on-the-go as they deem necessary depending on each particular shooting situation.

Answering the demand for enhanced mobile editing of RAW image files, Canon is also announcing a new application, Digital Photo Professional Express (DPP Express). In combination with an updated Canon Camera Connect App, DPP Express enables users to send, view, edit and process CR3 RAW files on their iPad7. A free download of the app will be available October 2018.

Additional noteworthy features of the EOS R Camera include:

  • RF Mount Compatible with RF Lenses and EF/EF-S Lenses
  • Built-in EVF with 3.69 Million Dots, Vari-angle Touchscreen LCD and Dot-matrix LCD Panel
  • ISO range of 100-40,000, expandable to 102,400
  • USB 3.1 in-camera charging support
  • Built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi® providing easy sharing to compatible smart devices and social media sites
  • Single UHS-II SD card slot
  • CR3(RAW/C-RAW) and Dual Pixel RAW Support
  • Dust and weather resistant

Availability and Pricing

The Canon EOS R full-frame mirrorless camera is scheduled to be available in October 2018 for an estimated retail price of $2,999.99* for the body only. It will also be sold as a body-and-lens kit with the new RF 24-105mm F4 L IS USM lens for $4,399.99*.

To learn more about this system, including in-depth educational tutorials, please visit

About Canon Canada Inc.
Headquartered in Brampton, Ontario, Canon Canada Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon USA, is a leading provider of consumer, business-to-business and medical digital imaging solutions. Innovation and cutting-edge technology have been essential ingredients in Canon’s success. Canon Canada Inc. is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 per cent Canadian-based service and support for all of the products it distributes. Canon Canada Inc. is dedicated to its Kyosei philosophy of social and environmental responsibility.

For more information, please visit: or follow the company on FacebookTwitter or Instagram using @CanonCanada.

World Photo Day: The Evolution of the Camera

Olympus film camera

Photography wouldn’t be possible without the incredible invention of the camera. According to Kodak, “the use of photographic film was pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in 1889. His first camera, which he called the ‘Kodak,’ was first offered for sale in 1888.”

It truly is amazing how much the camera has evolved since then. In came the digital camera, and the debate between film vs. digital began. Today, people appreciate the merits of both, and choose based on their preferred aesthetic.

If you love the nostalgia of film, you’re not alone. Film offers a creative challenge for photographers. Shooting analog photographs is an art form that truly embraces the candid nature of photography. The excitement of having your film photos developed, anxiously awaiting the final images, is a feeling many people love. There is something to be said about the simplicity of shooting with film too; without a Photoshop program to edit with, the result is a much rawer, visceral image. There is also a great deal more thoughtfulness involved in film photography, as you are limited by the amount of film you have. This is one of the reasons why many people recommend starting out on a film camera, even if you want to shoot digital. Being forced to be more selective with your shots will ultimately make you a better photographer, whether you shoot on film or digital.

Meanwhile, if you prefer to shoot digital, there are plenty of benefits that come with the ever-evolving technology of digital cameras. They are more convenient than ever, and are constantly being upgraded with more advanced features. Photographers can choose from point and shoots, DSLRs, and even compact mirrorless cameras, depending on what the situation requires. Today, many digital cameras also come with added features such as WiFi and Bluetooth. This allows you to directly transfer images to your smartphone or tablet, making it super easy to share all of your great moments.

Nikon camera and Nikon lenses

As digital technology has progressed, mobile phones have become the camera of choice for many people who wish to snap and share moments instantaneously. Some of you may remember seeing the #shotoniphone7 campaign, which inspired iPhone users to take incredible photographic shots simply using their phones’ camera. Today, millions of photos are uploaded every minute, allowing us to share our snapshots with the world in seconds, and find inspiration in the talent of other passionate photographers worldwide.

Whichever you prefer, London Drugs proudly offers a large selection of both digital cameras as well as film, and still offers film developing.

If you’re looking to upgrade your current gear, whether it’s a phone, film camera or DSLR, World Photo Day is a great time to see what’s out there and try something new. Our LDExperts can help you choose the right camera for your interests and needs. London Drugs’ selection of photography gear doesn’t end with cameras, either. We also have an extensive collection of lenses, camera accessories, photo printers and photo editing software to help you achieve the best images possible.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to stay tuned for our World Photo Day deals (including a very special drone offer, available exclusively on August 19th)!

14 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram

If you’re anything like us, you find yourself sucked into the Instagram rabbit hole every once in a while. And who can blame you? Not only is Instagram a fantastic way to discover new events, products and companies, but the popular social media platform also provides  a way to unwind and appreciate truly spectacular photography.

The following list features some of Canada’s own local talent, allowing us to visually explore the country’s great mountains, grasslands, oceans, food, and people. Get inspired and check out these fourteen amazing Canadian photographers on Instagram. You can also discover these and other great images using #BeautifulCanada.

1. Martina Gutfreund @enchanted.forest

Based out of Edmonton, Alberta, Martina Gutfreund posts colourful, breathtaking scenes of the snow-capped Rockies and peaceful Provincial Parks in her area, all alongside her furry travel companions.

2. Brie & Reuben @vancitywild

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Brie and Rueben Vancity Wild

Image from @vancitywild

Hailing from Vancouver Island and the Edmonton area, Brie and Reuben are a Vancouver-based photography duo with an eye for adventure.

3. Flo Lum @flolum

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Flo Lum

Image from @flolum

Flo Lum takes stunning photographs of Vancouver, BC and the surrounding Lower Mainland. She has a way of using interesting angles and mixing up her feed with images of nature, food, and family.

4. Karlynn Johnston @thekitchenmagpie

Karlynn Johnston is a food and travel writer from Edmonton who takes titillating food photographs of her cookbook creations as well as delicacies from her travels across the country and abroad.

5. Brayden Hall @braybraywoowoo

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Brayden Hall

Image from @braybraywoowoo

An avid explorer of BC, Brayden Hall is an adventure photographer and professional drone pilot who captures stunning aerial photos of the province’s most beautiful landscapes.

6. Dan Lum @dudelum

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Dan Lum

Image from @dudelum

Husband to Flo Lum (what a team!), Dan Lum takes incredible photos of the British Columbia wilderness and landscape. His way of using perspective always tells an intricate story in each photograph, from sea to sky, forest to mountains.

7. Adam Hill @adamhillstudios

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Adam Hill

Image from @adamhillstudios

A resident of the Northwest Territories for almost a decade, Adam Hill’s images of the True North reveal mesmerizing waves of aurora and intricate portraits of wildlife. His work has been featured in Canadian Geographic and Outdoor Photographer Magazine, to name a few.

8. Andrew Knapp @andrewknapp

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Andrew Knapp

Image from @andrewknapp

If you haven’t been following the photo adventures of Andrew Knapp and his adorable border collie Momo, you’ve been missing out. By incorporating his canine companion into gorgeous wilderness backdrops, he’s created a new style of travel photography.

9. Emma Choo @vancouverfoodie

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Emma Choo

Image from @vancouverfoodie

Based in Vancouver, Emma Choo shares delectable photographs of her city’s amazing international and local cuisine. Her photos are vibrant, enticing, and guaranteed to make you drool.

10. JongSun Park @adl2enaline

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - JongSun Park

Image from @adl2enaline

JongSun Park is a Vancouver-based photographer keeping a daily photo diary of his life. From cafés, antique shops, and motorcycles, JongSun captures the city from a vintage-inspired lens that takes you back in time.

11. Chris Sheremata @chrissheremataphotography

From Canmore, Alberta, Chris Sheremata’s photographs range from serene lake views to incredible glacial ascents, and from hypnotizing starry mountain skies to collaborative bouldering adventures.

12. Brooke Willson @brookewillson

Image from @brookewillson

Not only do Brooke Willson’s photographs feature inspiring mountain ranges and sprawling waterfront views, but the inclusion of her dog Timber appeals to all the dog lovers who never leave home without their pup.

13. Paul Zizka @paulzizkaphoto

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Paul Zizka

Image from @paulzizkaphoto

Paul Zizka is an award-winning landscape and adventure photographer hailing from Banff, Alberta. He has has explored the peaks of his native Rockies and beyond, all while capturing the natural beauty of the surrounding ice, rock, sea, and sky.

14. Kari Medig @kari_medig

10 Amazing Canadian Photographers on Instagram - Kari Medig

Image from @kari_medig

Kari Medig is a photographer who grew up in northern BC, now living in Nelson. He shoots in film, which gives his images a dreamlike quality, and many feature snowcapped mountains. Kari has shot for several Canadian publications, including Destination BC, the Globe and Mail, and Air Canada’s enRoute.

LD Experts: Shoot 4K Photos and Video Like a Pro

Looking for the update on the latest photo and video tech? Our LD Experts have you covered with exactly what you need to step up your camera game.

On CTV Morning Live’s Tech Talk in Regina, LD Expert Joel Bortnick shared his thoughts on the newest camera to shoot ultra HD resolution photos and video. Watch the full video here.

Here’s the gist … If you’re looking to step up your photography from an iPhone, but aren’t ready to invest in a DSLR, the LUMIX G85 camera is for you. As the latest user-friendly model from Panasonic, the G85 (much like Canon or Nikon) allows interchangeable lenses, but is mirrorless, making the camera significantly more compact and portable.

If you enjoy ultra-high-definition, the LUMIX G85 shoots in 4K resolution for video, with the option to save in 4K Photo Mode. This camera represents a happy bridge between photo and video, giving you the ability to shoot both—simply.

And if you’re a blogger or musician looking to take video with incredible sound quality, you might consider trying the Zoom Q2n Handy Video Recorder. With a wide-angle view of 160 degrees and battery capacity of about two hours of filming time on a single charge, this recorder makes high-quality video a breeze for anyone.

Visit your local London Drugs store to chat to an LD Expert, or visit to find the top photo, video and tech products online.

Also, shop our Computer Event on now until April 12

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