Another recycling first for London Drugs

London Drugs is the first major retailer in Canada to introduce recycling collection boxes for all beauty packaging and chocolate wrappers.

London Drugs, a leading general retailer in Western Canada, is now offering consumers a chance to recycle their used beauty packaging and chocolate wrappers at all 75 of their stores. The recycling program is in partnership with leading recycler and upcycler TerraCycle, and current TerraCycle program partners, Garnier and Nestlé.


What’s the deal with the Green Deal?

If I was going to rank myself on a scale of 1 to 10 on how “green” I am, I’d give myself a solid 6. I would be an 8 if I wasn’t clinging (for some reason) to two old cell phones and a drawer full of dead batteries. I should get a 10 for knowing I can do better!


Energy Efficiency Begins Here

In London Drugs flyers and advertisements, you’ve probably read “Energy Star rated” used in descriptions, or seen the Energy Star logo beside certain products.

Devices carrying the Energy Star logo, such as computer products and peripherals, kitchen appliances, and other products, generally use 20%–30% less energy than required by federal standards.

Energy Star Beginnings

The Energy Star program was created in the U.S. in the early ’90s, but was quickly adopted in Canada and several other countries. The goal was to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by power plants(1) The program kept expanding, adding products such as computers, printers, heating and cooling systems for homes, office equipment, home appliances and electronics, and even buildings.

London Drugs is an Energy Star program partner.

Different products could have different ratings. For example, Energy Star compliant clothes washers use 50% less energy and 35-50% less water than traditional models, while Energy Star qualified dishwashers achieve energy efficiency levels that are at least 25% higher than the minimum regulated standard in Canada.

London Drugs has a wide selection of Energy Star qualified products.


(1) Wikipedia, Energy Star,

Ethical Bean Coffee

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