Energy Efficiency Alberta Rebate Program

Save on LED bulbs now. Save on electricity for decades. Upgrade today with instant rebates from Energy Efficiency Alberta at London Drugs!

There’s no question that LED bulbs use less energy, last longer and save you more on electricity. Now, thanks to Energy Efficiency Alberta’s Instant Savings campaign— April 28 until June 11—Albertans can save instantly on these energy-efficient bulbs at London Drugs. Choose from a wide range of LED bulb sizes and formats and save between $3 and $8 on each. Residential customers receive these rebates on up to 25 LED bulbs of each type, so you can upgrade your whole house.

Energy STAR* LEDs and fixtures have an extended lifetime of 25,000 hours or more. They’re also instant-on, don’t contain any mercury, and many are compatible with dimmer switch technology. Click here to see the wide range of bulb sizes and savings available.

And don’t forget, you can bring back old light bulbs right to your local London Drugs for responsible recycling – incandescent, CFL and even fluorescent tubes up to 4 feet long.

Visit, or just stop by your local London Drugs to find out more.

Shop Now for savings on LED bulbs.

Why You Need to Recycle Your E-Waste (and how London Drugs can help!)

Earth Day 2017 may be over, but we at London Drugs know that thinking about and acting on behalf of our planet is a vitally important year-long activity. That’s why we accept so many forms of recyclables at our stores, including everything from small appliances and empty bottles to both standard and rechargeable batteries. We even accept styrofoam!


There is one type of waste that can be especially damaging to both the environment and to communities around the world: e-waste.

It deserves special attention because, too often, we don’t think of e-waste as being recyclable at all. Or we don’t realize that there are good and not-so-good ways to deal with it.

What is E-Waste?

The first important thing to know is that “e-waste” is not garbage, it’s actually a category of recyclables. The problem is, objects in this category aren’t always disposed of properly. In fact, the UN estimates that only about 14% of e-waste is currently being recycled around the globe.

The category of e-waste includes all electronic appliances, but one of the most hazardous sub-types is computers. This includes PCs, gaming consoles, monitors, televisions, tablets, smartphones, and all other handheld digital devices.

Collectively, items in this category have advanced components inside them, such as microchips and motherboards. Although many of us rarely see these components, it’s important to understand that they are often constructed out of hazardous materials like cadmium, lead, and chromium.

Thankfully, many of the companies that produce these products, including Apple, are working toward a future in which these hazardous materials either won’t be needed or can be entirely obtained from recycled e-waste. But we aren’t there yet.

It’s important for consumers to know about the damage to the environment these products can cause when they are disposed of improperly, and to take responsibility for making sure disposal is done right.

How Dangerous is E-Waste?

Improperly handled or mistakenly thrown out e-waste is currently causing serious damage to the environment worldwide. Over time the dangerous metals and chemicals in e-waste (including in plastic casings) break down in our landfills. From there, these pollutants can enter the soil, the air, and the water in the surrounding area.

Another threat posed by e-waste is to the labourers who handle the products. This is especially true for the vast quantities of e-waste that are frequently shipped to developing nations for processing. Too often, these recycling operations are poorly regulated, leaving workers unfairly exposed to physical harm, illness, and even death.

On top of that, the processes used to isolate the valuable parts of e-waste can be crude and may cause more environmental damage than simply throwing the e-waste into the trash. For example, burning copper wires at low temperatures to remove the plastic coating (a common practice at unregulated recycling operations) releases hazardous chemical compounds into the air.

This is why it is so important not only to recycle your e-waste but to ensure that it is being disposed of responsibly. This is needed for the sake of the planet and for the safety of the labourers involved in the process.

What Can We Do About E-Waste?

Good news! If you live in Western Canada, London Drugs accepts all forms of e-waste for proper recycling. Simply bring your tech recyclables into one of our stores and look for the recycling station.

If you don’t see the recycling kiosk in your local LD store, or aren’t sure quite where to find it, just ask one of our LD Experts or speak to someone at the customer service desk. For certain items, there may be daily limits we will inform you of, but we will always do our best to accommodate your recycling needs.

When you recycle your e-waste at London Drugs you can be sure it will be handled by fully-screened and certified companies and never shipped to substandard processing plants. Another benefit of recycling your e-waste at London Drugs is that we always make sure your personal data is properly deleted. In some cases, we may even offer your used electronics a second life by providing them to those in need.

Go the extra mile for the environment and participate in our computer packaging re-use system called Bring Back The Pack. We’re thrilled to have partnered with Certified Data to bring you this program that enables re-use of brand new computer packaging.

Don’t live near a London Drugs? Don’t worry.

There are other ways to safely dispose of e-waste in Canada. The first place to check is with your local recycling depot, but The Salvation Army also typically accepts e-waste.

And remember, whatever you do, the most important step you can take to avoid contributing to the e-waste problem is to never put your electronics into the garbage.

Have more questions about e-waste recycling? You can always ask an LD Expert in-store.

And we encourage you to learn more about our recycling program at

10 Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make Now

Does the idea of spring cleaning fill you with painful memories of being trapped in your bathtub with a bottle of tile cleaner while you scrub tile grout, choking on bleach fumes?

This year, we suggest a fresh, sustainable approach. You may be surprised to know that you can clean your home effectively and thoroughly with many natural ingredients and environmentally friendly items you may already have in your kitchen.

1. Clean with vinegar

Make vinegar your new best friend and create your own cleaners. Not only is it a marvellous disinfectant, it can also deodorize and cut through grease.

2. Reduce paper towels

Using microfiber towels or old cut-up towels as your cleaning rags instead of shop or paper towels can help you reduce waste as you clean. To sanitize them afterwards, either put them in a bucket full of boiling water for 15 minutes, or toss them in the washing machine on the hottest setting with tea tree and grapefruit essential oils.

3. Create your own scent

You can make your own all-purpose household cleaning spray with a few simple ingredients: vinegar, water, and essential oils. Use it on countertops, kitchen surfaces, and it can even be used on glass. Cleaning with essential oils is a fantastic natural way to add some fresh fragrances to the space you’re working on. You can choose your own scent combinations and make your home smell naturally clean.

4. Choose biodegradable soap

Switching to a biodegradable dish soap instead of synthetically produced ones can be gentler on your skin, and on the environment.

5. Use a little elbow grease

Scrub out soap scum with a mixture of baking soda, sea salt, and a few drops of essential oils. A good scouring pad will help to break down the build-up and leave your bathtubs and sinks sparkling.

6. Leave chemicals behind

Instead of using abrasive chemically-based bathtub and sink cleaners, you can make your own soft scrub using only four ingredients: baking soda, castile soap, water, and essential oils.

7. Clean workout gear naturally

Do you keep fitness equipment or a yoga mat at home? You can make your own cleaner for those too! Try this yoga mat cleaner made from distilled water, witch hazel, and a combination of some essential oils to keep your gym equipment clean and smelling fresh.

8. Make your own detergent

Laundry detergents can be notoriously expensive, but you can save money by making your own. This homemade laundry soap is a great way to help transition into using more natural cleaning products, and only uses three ingredients: Borax, washing soda, and an unscented bar of soap!

9. Replace dryer sheets

If you’re a fan of dryer or fabric softener sheets, you can also save money over time on dryer sheets by replacing them with dryer balls, which can be used again and again to help reduce static in your laundry. You can even create your own with essential oils!

10. Recycle instead of tossing

If spring cleaning also means going on a decluttering rampage, you can reduce garbage by recycling unwanted items instead of simply tossing them out. If you’ve got a bunch of old electronics that don’t work anymore just sitting in a dusty pile behind your TV, you can recycle them at LD! Whether it’s old batteries or a VCR you haven’t used in a decade, LD will responsibly recycle it for you.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the idea of making the shift to natural cleaning, don’t worry! Just choose one of these ideas and start there. Any small change can help you to reduce the number of cleaning chemicals you use in your home, and will hopefully make your spring cleaning adventures all the more enjoyable.

You can also find our natural products (try Method or Mrs. Meyers) as an easy place to start — and gradually make the change to creating your own at home!

LD Picks: Celebrate Earth Day with these Green Tips

At London Drugs, we strive to do business responsibly. The  four pillars of our sustainability strategy aim to improve: waste reduction, energy & operations, upstream buying, and education. Since 2008, our in-store recycling initiatives have prevented tonnes of garbage from reaching landfills. April, of course, is Earth Month—Earth Day falls on the 22nd—so we’ve collected for you a clutch of our favourite sustainability tips and tricks.  Enjoy!

* * *

7 Ways You Should Already Be Conserving Energy—and Saving Money!

sustainability london drugs energy saving tips


Going Green: Harness the Power of Kids

Green recycle kids

Keeping the earth in great shape is a job for us all, young and old alike. And when it comes to recycling, kids can go green with no problems at all–with just a little guidance. Here are four ways to help your kids be kind to the planet–while having a total blast.

Make it a game: can it be recycled? Reused? Composted?

Make it a game: can it be recycled? Reused? Composted?

Host A Clothing And Toy Swap

Collaborate with other parents to recycle outgrown clothes and toys. Help everyone sort things by size or type (all the games and puzzles over here!) and see what treasures you can dig up. Afterwards, have some boxes and bags set up so you can drop off anything that didn’t find a new home at a worthy charity.

Make A Game of Post-Dinner Chores

Get your cleanup crew in gear with a cleanup sorting game: can it get recycled, composted or reused? Stoke competitive fire by promising a small prize or treat to the first to get everything put away. Track how much garbage you’re generating and see how your household improves over time.

Make Playtime Eco-Friendly

Is that garbage, or a crafting opportunity? Often old cartons and containers can be repurposed through glue, paint and a child’s imagination. One creative child we know transformed an old (and well-rinsed) laundry softener bottle into an Egyptian pharoah’s headdress, so the sky’s the limit here. Need some entry-level advice? Find those unmatched socks and take a look at this sock puppet guide from the masters of Muppetry, Sesame Street.

Families relaxing go green

Think ‘experience’ rather than ‘object’ at gift-giving time.

Think Green In All Things

When you’re planning a birthday party or a family vacation, brainstorm ways to minimize garbage. Consider giving experiences rather than things for birthdays and holidays. Go for bike rides or picnic in the park. Seek out environmentally friendly after school activities.

The best way to motivate your children to recycle is to demonstrate eco-friendly ways of living, and encouraging them to participate in green initiatives.

In general, creativity combined with a sense of fun make an eco-friendly childhood a snap. Before you throw anything away, consider if it could be reused or recycled in any way. By using fun and participatory activities, you can teach your kids how to recycle and tread lightly on this earth.

RRROCA Community Cleanup a Huge Success

Over 4,500 pounds of electronics and other items diverted from the City of Calgary’s landfills

On September 20, 2014 the communities of Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak participated in a Community Cleanup sponsored by The City of Calgary and London Drugs.

The parking lot of London Drugs Royal Oak was turned into a recycling party with music playing, a Community Appreciation BBQ serving up hot dogs, and a steady stream of recyclers from the community dropping off items at the different charity and recycling stations.

Local charities, Neighborlink and Goods Trading Services together reusing a whole truck load of clothes, household goods, furniture and toys – all being donated to families in need. Habitat for Humanity also collected remnants from renovation projects for use in future construction.


Community Crime Prevention: Prescription Drug Round-up & Hard Drive Wiping / Recycling

London Drugs is partnering with the Lethbridge Regional Police Service, Airdrie RCMP, and Red Deer RCMP to help prevent fraud and prescription drug abuse within communities.

Prescription Drug Round-ups & Hard Drive Wiping / Recycling events are being held in Lethbridge, Airdrie and Red Deer on May 24th.


Prescription Drug Round-up

Along with local police forces, London Drugs is hosting a Prescription Drug Round-up in response to the growing concern regarding prescription drug abuse among teens in Alberta communities. It was recently reported that almost as many as 1 in 4 who use these drugs daily obtained their prescription drugs from friends or relatives. The Prescription Drug Round-up event aims to decrease the amount of expired or unused prescription drugs in households, where too often teens are finding access to these potentially dangerous drugs. Drop off unused or expired prescription medications in store for safe disposal.

Hard Drive Wiping

Your computer stores valuable personal data, which can be very tempting to those involved in identity theft. When recycling your old computer at London Drugs, your hard drives are cleaned and destroyed so that your information is no longer accessible to thieves. Customers are invited to drop off old hard drives for data destruction and responsible recycling.

Individuals can drop off their expired or unused prescriptions and hard drives at the following London Drugs locations and times below:

Red Deer
London Drugs
#109 – 2004 – 50 Ave.
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

London Drugs
#110 – 905 First Ave. South
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.


London Drugs and the Lethbridge Regional Police Service will also be accepting food and cash donations on behalf of the Lethbridge and Interfaith Food Banks.

London Drugs
#110 – 2781 Main St. SW
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

London Drugs and the Airdrie RCMP will also be accepting food and cash donations on behalf of the Airdrie Food Bank.

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