A bunch of really cute pets pics for your consideration. And, also, great tips for how to take better care of your pet (or justify a codependent relationship).
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Your Cat Probably (Maybe) Wants to Kill You
SO CUTE We all know cats as adorable, silly creatures that love to play with string and lap up bowls of warm milk. But, according to a new study from the University of Edinburgh, there’s a cold-blooded predator lurking beneath the cute exterior of many domestic felines.
BUT TERRIFYING? The study examined five personality traits found in humans (openness to experience, conscientiousness, introversion/extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism), and used them rate the personalities of various domestic and wild cats.
What they found is worrying. Along with the African lion, over 100 domestic cat breeds demonstrated the very traits—neuroticism, impulsiveness, and dominance—that cause the violent predatory behaviour of the King of the Jungle.
AND SMALL (WHEW!) In other words, when you see your kitty—in turns neurotic, impulsive, dominant—sizing you up, you should be glad it isn’t bigger.

“Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be full grown…”
[More at Newser]
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The 11 Best Family Dog Breeds
- Bulldog The bulldog will put up with anything. As dogs go, this breed is both sturdy and lazy, which means that it won’t get cranky with children very easily. It’s laid-back attitude also means that the bulldog can live in any family home, regardless of size.
- Beagle Though a bit high maintenance when it comes to brushing and bathing, the beagle is highly energetic and friendly, making it the perfect nanny and companion for any child.
- Bull Terrier The original babysitter, the protective bull terrier is incredibly intelligent, calm, and energetic. As a breed, they are best suited to large families, and have been shown to help teach kids the proper way to relate to animals.
- Collie Extremely loyal, the collie is devoted to pleasing its humans and has a tendency to round up young children—a habit frazzled parents love. While the collie does require quality care for its long coat, it is undeniably meant to be part of a rambunctious, full family.
- Newfoundland Known in some parts as “Nature’s Nanny,” the Newfoundland has a natural love for children and protective nature. Due to its drooling habit and tendency to shed, the Newfoundland is best suited to families with land or large open spaces available to them.
- Vizsla Originally bred as a middle-European hunting dog, the Vizsla is gentle, loyal, quiet, and affectionate. Very active, this breed makes the perfect pet for energetic children, although it certainly doesn’t mind lounging around inside with the family either.
- Irish Setter Inherently playful, the Irish Setter belongs with a family full of children and a yard. Kind and energetic, this breed makes up for its short life with its incredibly earnest personality. While 12 years is considered old age and few make it to 15, the Irish setter will make a world of difference to whoever shares its life.
- Standard Poodle While the miniature poodle is high strung, the standard poodle is overwhelmingly good-natured—an excellent playmate for children. This, combined with their reduced shedding, make the standard poodle an ideal family pet for anyone with dog allergies.
- Labrador Retriever Labradors are one of the most popular breeds in the world. With their intelligence and reliable nature, they are one of the only breeds trained to become arson and service dogs. Playful, protective, and loving, the Labrador retriever will quickly become the center of any family it belongs to.
- Golden Retriever Everything a Labrador is with extra energy put on top, the golden retriever was originally bred as a gun dog and avid swimmer, but is truly meant for a family home. With an short life span of 10 to 12 (human) years, the retriever will devote its life to its family.
- Mutt While not necessarily a breed unto itself, mutts are known for being healthy family dogs. Head to your local shelter and choose a dog whose size and energy match that of your family. Medium and large sized dogs tend to do better with children and often prove more durable to rough-housing.
[More at Cesar’s Way]
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11 non-spinsterish reasons your cat obsession is good for you
Besides the love and cuddles and nose bops, there are actual health- and wellness-related reasons why your cat-lady mentality is good for you. Here are four of our favourites:
- They teach us the importance of strategic decision-making. Where dogs run blindly for the door each time they hear the doorbell, cats are more calculated. They’re thoughtful and strategic – traits we should all aspire to.
- They can help us cope with depression. In addition to the cuddles, having a pet encourages routine – proven to help the mind resist a variety of mental ailments.
- They’ll crack you up. And laughing is healthy. We’ve all witnessed the feline kamikaze that leaps across the room, skids across the kitchen floor, and tumbles under the couch. Laughter is linked to a stronger immune system, so enjoy your kitty’s antics as much as you want.
- They keep your heart healthy. Fact: cat owners are less likely to suffer from a heart attack. That’s reason enough. Get down to your local shelter and then stop by London Drugs for the toys & food you need.
[More at Huffington Post]
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10 “people foods” that are good for your dog to eat
It’s always tempting to treat your dog to human food – but is it good for them? Here are 10 snacks you can share with your dog, worry-free.
- Yogurt. Sugar-free yogurt provides great calcium and protein for you both.
- Flax oil from ground flax seed. Grind it up and sprinkle it on your dog’s dinner. Make sure to keep it in the fridge and grind only as much as you need, each time.
- Salmon. Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Keep the sushi to yourself, though – raw fish is no good for Fido.
- Pumpkin. A seasonal way to add fibre to the dog dish.
- Sweet potatoes. Try dehydrating chopped sweet potatoes as a portable and affordable dog treat.
- Green beans. Green beans are a nutritional way to pad an overweight dog’s diet.
- Eggs. Cooked eggs are a great source of protein. Hard-boiled ones are great as training treats.
- Brewer’s yeast. Lots of B vitamins make this treat really good for your hound’s coat and skin.
- Apples. A great source of vitamins A & C, but watch the seeds, which are hard to digest. (Solution: cut out the core.)
- Oatmeal. Full of fibre, oatmeal is especially good for aging dogs.
[More at Modern Dog]
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Easy homemade frozen dog treats
Who has time for homemade dog treats, right? These frozen snacks may just change your mind. Your pup will love these frozen treats, and they’ll take you five minutes, tops.
What you need:
- Plain Greek yogurt
- All-natural peanut butter
- Ice cube tray (the regular or heart variety will do!)
Heat up the peanut butter to make it easier to spoon out, and add it to each ice cube section, filled to half. Then, fill the remaining space with Greek yogurt and pop the trays in the freezer to harden. Once frozen, call your hound over and and see how he likes them.
[More at 17 Apart]
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9 “people foods” to never give your cat
Giving these foods to your cat as snacks or treats could make them seriously ill. Avoid them at all costs to keep your kitty happy and healthy.
- Chocolate. As it is to dogs, the theobromine in chocolate is toxic to cats.
- Onion. Only a few slices of onion could kill your cat, so watch out.
- Raw potatoes and tomatoes. Both come from the nightshade family, meaning when consumed raw, they can cause gastrointestinal disorders in cats.
- Milk. Thought they can drink it as kittens, adult cats don’t well tolerate the lactose in cow’s milk.
- Yeast dough. Abdominal pain, intestinal rupture, and alcohol poisoning are potential symptoms if you cat ingests fermented yeast.
- Grapes and raisins. Kidney failure, vomiting, and diarrhea could hit your cat on ingestion.
- Caffeine and alcohol. Three tablespoons of 40% is enough to kill a cat.
- Garlic and chives. These herbs can cause anemia and gastrointestinal problems for cats. Make sure your cat doesn’t mistake chives for grass.
- Xylitol. This artificial sweetener (found in candy, gum, and toothpaste) can cause seizures and liver failure.
[More at Modern Cat]
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5 boredom busters for your stay-at-home dog
If your dog stays home while you’re at work, its daytime languor can easily turn to laziness. Here are 5 smart ways to keep your dog entertained and active.
- Puzzles. Tuck some treats into a toy puzzle like a kong for your dog to play with throughout the day.
- Pet monitors. Similar to a baby monitor, the technology allows you to check on your pet, even talk to it. Try practicing long-distance commands – all the way from the office!
- Lunchtime walks. If you’re near enough, try jetting home for a quick walk around the block. It’ll clear your head and it gives the hound a nice stretch.
- Dogwalkers. If doggy day care is out of our budget, try hiring a professional to get Fido out of the house during the day.
- Morning adventures. Though it’s hard to tear yourself from a warm bed, early-morning walks can benefit you as much as the dog. They calm your mind before a day at work and, bonus, tire the pup for the morning.
[More at Dogster]
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love this post London drugs you got it down pat yes both cats and dogs are the best medicine for laughter and lots of hugs and I love what you posted on what and what not to feed your pets awesome and thankyou