Expert Bathroom Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Expert bathroom cleaning tips

The kitchen might be the heart of every home, but it’s the bathroom that’s the true workhorse. So it’s no surprise it gets really dirty, really quickly. It’s a shame bathrooms don’t get the love (or elbow grease) they deserve considering how much we depend on them every single day.

Fact: Nobody likes cleaning a bathroom. But, a truly clean bathroom is a joy and surprisingly easy to maintain once you’ve mastered a few game-changing techniques.

Follow these tips and tricks to help make cleaning your bathroom less of a chore.

Make a Bathroom Cleaning Schedule and Checklist

Make a bathroom cleaning checklist to make the tasks more manageable

A clean bathroom is easier to maintain than a dirty one, so make it a regular habit. Facing an entire bathroom and all its moving, scummy parts is daunting, so parcel out the duties so you don’t have to do everything all at once.

For example:

Every day – Wipe down outside of toilet; wipe down inside of shower/bath; wipe down counters/sink; clean drain traps.

Every Sunday – Scrub inside of toilet; empty trash can; wipe mirrors.

First Sunday of every month – Put toothbrush holder in dishwasher, put shower curtain in laundry, deep clean drains.

After a month when you’ve gone through every task on your checklist at least once, you’ll see how much faster and easier maintaining a clean bathroom can be.

Simplify Your Bathroom

Declutter your bathroom to simplify cleaning
De-cluttering your space will not only make your bathroom look tidier, but will also make cleaning it a lot easier.

Who wants to spend 10 minutes taking everything off the counters and another 10 wrestling with half a dozen cleaning bottles under the counter just to spend one minute wiping down the surface?

Most bathrooms are small so everything in them should have a purpose and a home. Do you really need all those individual spay cleaners when once would suffice?

An all-in-one hero product like Nellie’s One Soap can be used as a hand soap, tub/shower cleaner, dish soap, and even on your dog.

Use the Right Cleaning Tools

Get the right toilet cleaning tools to make your job easier

The flip side to de-cluttering is stocking up on the right tools to get every job done well. If your toilet brush doesn’t get all the right angles, your toilet bowl will never really be clean. And if your glass cleaner leaves streaks and promotes fogging, well, what’s the point?

If you don’t feel that your efforts produce sparkling clean results, you’ll be less motivated to continue cleaning, so you might have to experiment a little to find the right tools. You might need two toilet brushes and you might find some great anti-fogging solutions in the automotive department.

Use Age-appropriate Accessories in Your Bathroom

If you have kids, adapt your bathroom so it stands a better chance of staying clean. Kids are cute, but they’re messy, which means water and dirt are going to get everywhere. Bring in a stool so they can properly reach the sink. And instead of expecting them to use a hand towel, keep a stack of colourful washcloths folded within easy reach.

Better yet, use this as an opportunity to teach them how to use the cloth to wipe up any wet spots on the counter before tossing it into the hamper.

Reward Yourself for a Cleaning Job Well Done

They say the reward itself is in a job well done, but you might need a little extra incentive to get through your checklist. Find something meaningful to reward yourself with each month – a new book, a new coffee machine, etc. – and use that as your carrot as you clean away.

Shop our selection of cleaning supplies for other resources that may help you keep your bathroom spic and span.

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