Seasonal sadness: Don’t be sad

Seasonal sadness—also known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD—is a type of depression that relates to the changing seasons. In most cases of SAD, the symptoms start in the late autumn and continue through the winter months, which is why the condition is often referred to as the winter blues. In some cases, though, the symptoms begin in the spring or summer. In either case, symptoms may be mild when they begin and become more severe as the months move on.

Symptoms of SAD may include:

• Feeling depressed most of the day nearly every day
• Feeling hopeless, worthless, or guilty
• Having low energy
• Feeling sluggish or agitated
• Having difficulty sleeping
• Losing interest in activities that were usually enjoyed
• Experiencing changes in appetite or weight
• Having trouble concentrating
• Having frequent thoughts of death or suicide

Symptoms that are specifically connected with SAD that occurs during the fall and winter include:

• Oversleeping
• Craving foods that are high in carbohydrates
• Gaining weight
• Feeling tired or having low energy

The shorter days in the fall and winter appear to be the main triggers for the winter blues, because the reduced hours of sunlight can disrupt the body’s internal clock. During the daylight hours, our brain sends signals to the other parts of our body to help keep us awake and alert. At night, our brain produces a chemical called melatonin that helps us sleep. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, our bodies get out of balance.

Treating SAD

A first line of treatment for SAD is often light therapy. In light therapy the person generally spends at least 30 minutes a day in front of a box that shines a light much brighter than ordinary indoor lighting. As many as 70% of people find relief after a few weeks of treatment; some find relief even sooner. However, light therapy doesn’t work for everyone. Antidepressants can be effective in some cases, either alone or in combination with light therapy. There is growing evidence to support cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as a viable treatment for SAD. CBT is a type of talk therapy that helps people identify negative thoughts and reframe them into something more positive. It also helps them discover new behaviours to engage in
to make them feel better when they are depressed.

Some behaviours that may help are:

• Taking a walk, watching a movie, or engaging in other activities you enjoy
• Getting outdoors early in the day when the sun is shining or spending time in
brightly lit spaces
• Eating a healthy diet and limiting the amount of carbohydrates, such as cookies and
• Spending time with a trusted friend or relative you can share your feelings with
• Getting together with friends
• Volunteering in the community to help others

If self-help measures don’t relieve the problem, consult your doctor. This is especially important if your sleep patterns have changed, if you find yourself drinking more alcohol for comfort or to help you relax, or if you feel hopeless or think about suicide.

Read other articles in our Fall-Winter 2021 volume of our Bettercare magazine here.

6 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

As the days get shorter and autumn moves toward winter, many people notice that they have less energy and their mood is less positive. The changes may be as subtle as not wanting to get out of bed in the morning or a yearning to return to the fun days of summer. For others, it goes beyond being a little down and may include feeling depressed most of the time and losing interest in activities they normally enjoy. These people may be suffering from a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

The symptoms—whether mild or severe—are likely to be due to a sensitivity to the lack of sunlight during the shorter winter days, which disrupts the body’s internal clock and affects hormone levels that, in turn, affect mood and the desire to sleep more.

Fighting back

You can fight back against this natural shift by taking some steps to combat your body’s response to the lack of sunlight. Here are a few suggestions that can help:

1. Get as much sunlight as you can
Spend more time outdoors. Bundle up and go out for a walk or participate in winter sports. It can be difficult to get enough natural sunlight during the winter and, unfortunately, regular indoor lighting doesn’t replace natural sunlight. If you can’t get outdoors for some reason, there are lights called light therapy boxes or SAD lights that have special fluorescent tubes that reproduce the sun’s beneficial rays. Doctors often recommend using one of these light boxes for 30 minutes a day to boost mood.

2. Be physically active

Exercise releases endorphins—the body’s feel-good chemicals—that help lift mood. Exercise also relieves stress, increases energy, and can improve both physical and mental wellbeing. Something as simple as a daily walk—or a visit to the gym or participating in indoor sports if the weather isn’t cooperating—can have a significant impact on mood. Being physically active also helps fight winter weight gain that can have a negative effect on mood.

3. Eat well
Healthy eating benefits both physical and mental health. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your daily eating plan. Some foods, such as chocolate, have been shown to relieve anxiety and improve mood temporarily, but that comes with a caution: while candy, cookies, and similar high-carbohydrate foods may make you feel better while you’re eating them, they can make you feel worse later when your blood sugar drops. If you want to treat yourself, try a small piece of dark chocolate and a cup of calming herbal tea.

4. Get cozy

Finding comfort in simple things such as dressing in warm pajamas and curling up in a blanket on a soft couch and watching a favourite TV show, reading a book, or just talking with friends and family can make you feel content and grateful.

5. Don’t forget to have fun
Wintertime doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. You may not be spending time at the beach or in the pool, but many communities have winter festivals that can be lots of fun. You can participate in outdoor sports or even indoor sports at local community centres. You can also look for a good book to read, check out the new movie releases, play board games, or binge-watch a favourite TV show with like-minded friends.

6. Consider volunteering
Sometimes helping others can make you feel better about yourself. If you can’t get out to a local organization to donate your time, try cleaning out your closets and donating things you no longer need.

When you’re so SAD

If your winter blues start to affect all aspects of your life, you may be suffering from SAD. This is more than just a passing low mood; it is a medical condition and should be treated. The first step is to recognize the symptoms of SAD.

Common symptoms are:
• Difficulty sleeping
• Difficulty taking initiative
• Feeling less social than usual and isolating yourself from family and friends
• Depressed mood most of the day
• Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy
• Struggling to stay focused
• Constant fatigue and lethargy

Serious cases may cause feelings of hopelessness about the future and sometimes suicidal thoughts. If you experience these symptoms of depression, even if they are mild, it is important to talk with your primary healthcare provider. If the lifestyle tips listed above don’t help resolve your blues, prescription antidepressants may provide the help you need. The bottom line is: don’t suffer; help yourself and get help from others when you need it.