5 On-Trend Costumes Ideas for Halloween 2015

Inside Out

Inside Out Halloween Costume

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Pikawil

Pixar is brilliant at creating adorable characters than children want to emulate. But Inside Out is going to be great fun for adults too! Get a crew together to represent Joy, Sadness, and Disgust (and Anger and Fear too!). There are makeup tutorials available here.

Taylor Swift with her squad

Taylor Swift and her Squad

Image via Flickr user marcen27

Being the year of Taylor Swift, it’s inevitable that there will be countless Taylor Swift costumes out there. But this one is extra fun. Once you’ve got your sparkly dress and high heels and red lipstick, attach a bunch of dolls to your belt to represent your squad (you can even add a Ken-doll Calvin Harris!).


#thedress Halloween Costume

Photo courtesy of Yandy.com

It’s been a while since the internet was swept with #thedress, but it won’t take much for people to be reminded. Was it black and blue or white and gold? Find two dresses and sew them together (half and half!) or make it a partner costume, each representing one version. You can also go all-out and order this one online.


Emoji Halloween Costume
Emojis have been a popular Halloween costume for awhile, but with the new keyboard being released on iOS this year, there are plenty more to impersonate! Get a group of girls with multiple colours of hair & skin to wear pink shirts and represent the sassy girl emoji, or rep the costume classics – the salsa dancer and the twinning girls.

Donald Trump

donald trump halloween costume

Image via Flickr user iprimages

This is an easy one. All you need is a suit, a red tie, and some really bad hair.