Sentiment and romance—they’re like the twin pillars of Valentine’s Day. And if your gift is lacking in one, you’d better hope it covers the other. Fortunately, the Photolab has been a solid go-to for occasions like Valentine’s Day for, well, I don’t even know how long. I guess all that matters is that the Photolab will be there for us again this Valentine’s Day, with a couple of simple gifts that score off the charts when it comes to sentiment and can also be as romantic as you want to make them.
To be a success, after all, a Valentine’s Day gift doesn’t need to be particularly expensive, but it does need to be thoughtful in nature (I suppose this is true of any gift, really). And what could more thoughtful than browsing through old photos of you and your significant other (S.O.), looking for just-perfect photos to build a personalized card or photobook around? That, friends, is the very definition of sentimentality. In fact, the only way it could be more sentimental is if the card could also somehow play ‘your’ song as it’s opened (hmmm…note to the Photolab…)
As for romance, that, my friends, is up to you and photo-choosing skills. (And also, I suppose, your photo-taking skills—because you need to have romantic photos featuring your S.O. in order to choose romantic photos.) The Photolab kiosk and website have a selection of themes to cover any mood you want to create, from light & breezy to super-smooth romance. So provided you have the right photos—you know the ones; the tropical beach, the moonlight shot, the embrace, the one from that special night—a photo card or photobook can be as romantic as the ‘candlelight dinner + dozen roses + Barry White playlist’ triple crown.
This is usually the point in the post where I bust into the walkthrough showing how to create the gift item in question using the Photolab in-store kiosks and website, but in this case creating photobooks and greeting cards have been covered in detail:
Creating a personalized Valentine’s Day card
Do yourself a favour this V-Day: forget the clichés, forego dropping a fortune on extravagance, and stick with a simple testament to how well you know the special someone in your life and how fond you are of the memories you’ve created together. That, friends, is truly Valentine’s gold.

Just a sample of personalized greeting card Valentine’s Day themes available via the Photolab website and in-store kiosks.