Some photos simply deserve a better fate than confinement to a storage drive. Celebrate Photo Month by displaying them on your wall.
May is Photo Month, and here at the London Drugs Photoblog we like to honour the occasion by encouraging you to not only take as many photos as you can, but to make the extra step of turning your best shot into prints—and then proudly displaying them in your home, your office, and wherever else you can.
Of course, I’m not just referring to regular enlargements—after all, you can never go wrong with quality London Drugs photo paper. However, the Photolab offers a number of art prints that can highlight the best features of any photo. No two images are like, and different surfaces can add textures and accentuate colour and contrast.
This month I’ll be reviewing three of the Photolab’s most impressive art print options: bamboo prints, canvas gallery wraps, and metal prints. If you’re an experienced photography vet, you’ll surely have a number of images that would be ideal for each option. If you’re new to photography, you’ll be able to grab your camera and shoot some amazing new images with a specific art print in mind. After all, true masters of photography don’t just shoot for the sake of capturing memories a moment; they consider how each image will be displayed as they compose the shot. There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same.
Happy Photo Month!