LD Expert David Levett on how to digitally store your film photography.
We all know how important it is to back up photos from your smartphone, tablet, digital camera, and computer. You can use an external hard drive or the cloud to make sure you’ll never lose those memories. But what about your old filmstrips and photo prints – how can you make sure those photos are safe? LD Expert David Levett visited CTV News Regina to discuss the options.
There are two options for backing up your film photography – do it yourself at home with a scanner, or get the expert to do it, by dropping the negatives or photos at your local London Drugs Photolab.
It’s ideal if you have the film negatives from your already-developed photos – that’s where you’ll get the most detail in the digital version of the photo. However, if you only have the prints, that’s okay too. Scanners today are so good, that even scanned copies of your photography will turn out well. Once digitized, you can save the files where you store all of your digital files. They’ll be easy to share, accessible from anywhere, and you’ll never have to worry about losing those memories.
Plus, you can order beautiful reprints, canvases, and other collectibles from your Photolab location.