New Year, New You: How To Set Smart 2016 Goals

New Year's resolutions

Let’s be clear: Resolutions are so 2015. Forbes estimates that just 8% of us manage to keep our New Year’s resolutions. What’s the point?

We’d like to encourage you to set goals, instead. And not just any goals; we want you to set SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. It’s a great way to break a seemingly impossible goal into steps that will have you living your dreams in no time. Here’s how to get started.

What Do You Want To Do?

Maybe you want to stop smoking, eat healthier or get more exercise. Maybe you want to spend more time with your kids, get a new job or get organized. Maybe you want to totally reboot your life.

Start by picking one thing to focus on. It’s easier to keep motivated when you have a single purpose. If you have many goals, assign each a month for individual focus. This builds habits that support your goals and prevents your getting overwhelmed.

Getting Specific

So, you have your dream goal—now it’s time to get specific. Many resolutions fail because they are vague aspirations instead of concrete steps. Say you’ve decided to start exercising. Next decide on a specific metric for success. Whether it’s completing a couch-to-5K program or 30-day yoga challenge, make sure it’s possible to check the task off as “Done.”

Measure Your Success

Ask yourself, What does success look like? Sometimes it’s clear—if you want a new job, success means signing that new employment contract. Sometimes it’s opaque. Figure out how you are going to quantify success. Having a clear vision will motivate you. So will crossing off each step to your final goal.

Ambitious…Yet Achievable

It’s exciting to take on a big goal, but you have to set yourself up for success. A modest goal, achieved, trumps a grand one, unfulfilled. If you haven’t seen the inside of a gym in a year, completing a triathlon will be too much to accomplish by April. Set your sights on completing a local fun run first, then take aim at the Ironman.

Relevant…To You

Is your motivation genuine? Sometimes, we work to achieve things because we think we should—not because we need to. Choose goals that delight you in the process, not only the destination.  Never be cowed if others think your goal unworthy. When it matters to you, it matters.

Time Waits For No One

Goals are dreams with deadlines. A time limit sharpens your mind and allows you to plan the small steps to move you forward. A schedule aids overall SMARTness by forcing accountability and pragmatism.

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