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How to Make an Amazing Yuletide Wreath ‘Chandelier’
Okay, it’s not a chandelier in the strictest definition. It has no lights. But this arrangement of greenery is attractive and comes from Scandinavia—facts we suspect are related. It’s made from a pair of cedar wreaths dressed up with with wine-colored satin bows and hung from the ceiling with lengths of the same ribbon. Here’s how to make your very own.
What You Need
- A ceiling hook and good pair of scissors
- Two cedar wreaths (one 40 cm in diameter, the other 55 cm)
- 15 meters of red satin ribbon of 3 to 4 cm width

What your wreath chandelier will look like.
What To Do
- With the small wreath’s wire frame facing up, slip one end of a 150 cm ribbon length through frame’s rim, and knot firmly. Repeat with 2 additional 150 cm ribbons, knotting at evenly spaced intervals around wreath.
- Gather ribbons together, and knot at a point 40 cm above center of wreath. Leave these hanger ribbons in center of wreath while working on large wreath.
- Attach three 1-meter ribbon lengths to large wreath frame.
- Place large wreath on top of small wreath, aligning hanger ribbons. Gather hanger ribbons of both wreaths together, and knot 45 cm above center of large wreath. Trim ends of hanger ribbons above top knot to create a finished look.
- Screw hook into ceiling. Hang wreaths from top hanger-ribbon knot.
- Tie a 1-meter ribbon length at base of each hanger ribbon, and fashion into a classic bow. Trim bow tails to 30 centimeters.
[More at Martha Stewart]