Introducing the Elvie Trainer

So, you’ve heard of the pelvic floor but still have no idea what it does? Or maybe you’ve never heard of it at all? Well, looks like we’ve got some work to do.

Introducing the elusive pelvic floor
The pelvic floor is a powerful set of muscles that sits like a hammock between your tailbone and pubic bone. It supports your central organs, including your bladder, uterus and bowel, and keeps them all where they should be. A strong pelvic floor is an important part of women’s health, including sexual and emotional well-being.

But did you know that pelvic floor weakness affects 1 in 3 women as a result of genetics, high-impact sports (even squats and running), pregnancy, childbirth and aging? Symptoms of a weak pelvic floor can range from a little leakage when you sneeze to unexpected accidents before you get to a loo in time, and in rare cases organ prolapse. Yikes! But don’t worry, we come to you with the tools for a healthy, happy pelvic floor.

Kegels are a girl’s best friend
The good news is that it is possible to strengthen and tone your pelvic floor with targeted exercises, aka pelvic floor or Kegel exercises. From a young age, many women are told to do Kegels by squeezing as if you’re stopping your pee mid-stream. This can help you identify the muscles, and just like any muscle, they need to be exercised (but not while you pee please, as this can be problematic long-term).

While Kegels are especially important after pregnancy, keeping a strong pelvic floor isn’t just for mums or older women. In addition to improving bladder control, back pain and reducing the risk of prolapse, they also help build core strength, improve control during sex and can lead to stronger orgasms! You’ll be glad you did your Kegels 😉

Getting the most out of your pelvic floor exercises
Kegels are easy enough in theory: simply contract your pelvic floor muscles for 5-10 seconds, rest and repeat several times a day. But pelvic floor exercises need to be performed regularly and correctly to be effective.

With ordinary Kegels it’s impossible to know how well you’re doing or if you’ve gotten stronger. Most of us get bored and give up. A lot of women also perform their Kegels incorrectly, with 30% of women pushing doing instead of lifting, which can cause more damage to the pelvic floor.

Meet the world’s smallest and smartest Kegel trainer
Designed to cut out all of the guesswork, Elvie Trainer is an easy, fun and effective way to strengthen and tone your pelvic floor. The small pebble-shaped pod is inserted like a tampon and connects to an app on your smartphone. The app visualizes your technique and muscle movements in real time, while guiding you through fun, five-minute workouts. You can also view your workout history and progress over time. It’ll even alert you if you’re exercising incorrectly!

Elvie Trainer is transforming the way women take care of their pelvic floor. Think of it as your most personal trainer, encouraging you and challenging you to get stronger!

So, when should you start?
It’s never too late to start exercising your pelvic floor, but the sooner you get started the better! Pelvic floor health often gets overlooked until pregnancy or health issues arise, due to the taboo around women’s intimate health issues. But a regular and effective Kegel exercise routine can keep the pelvic floor strong so that you can avoid complications later in life – time to get squeezing!

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