Medicine Cabinet Cleanup

Does your spring cleaning include cleaning out your medicine cabinet? If not, you could be putting yourself and your family at risk. Unused medicines left in a medicine cabinet can lead to misuse and abuse, yet more than half of all Canadian families do not regularly check the expiry dates of their medications. Medications that have passed their expiry dates can be ineffective or even toxic.

Getting Started

Cleaning out your medicine cabinet on a regular basis is important, but it is just as important to do it properly. According to Statistics Canada, 40% of Canadians do not dispose of their unused medications in a proper manner. This has led to traces of these products ending up in the water we drink and the soil our food is grown in and our children play in. You should not toss your unused medicines in the trash, pour them down the sink, or flush them down the toilet. So what should you do? Bring your unused medicines—prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements, and natural health products—to your pharmacy for proper disposal. At London Drugs we safely incinerate all returned medications to prevent them from contaminating the environment.

Here are some guidelines on how to return your medicines to us:

• If you can recycle the containers and lids for your solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules, lozenges, etc.), you can put all of the medicines in one sealed plastic bag and bring that to your London Drugs pharmacy. Remember to remove your personal information from the containers by removing the labels or blackening out the details before you recycle them.

• Keep liquid medications in their original bottles, but remove your personal information before bringing the medicine to the pharmacy for disposal.

• Tubes of creams and ointments, as well as inhaler cartridges, can be returned in their original containers with the personal information removed. You can also return needles, syringes, and lancets as long as they are in a sealed medically-approved sharps disposal container. These containers are available for purchase at the pharmacy, or are provided free with the purchase of 100 BD needles or syringes. More information on our returns policy is available here.

Medication Storage

Before returning your medicines to your medicine cabinet, review the storage instructions. A bathroom medicine cabinet is not appropriate for all products—some drugs need to be refrigerated, some are sensitive to moisture, and others should be kept in a cool, dark place. A kitchen or bedroom drawer may be more appropriate. Medicines that are not stored properly can become ineffective. Your pharmacist can advise you about special storage requirements for any medication, if it is not listed on the packaging.

Keep all of your medications in their original packaging. Don’t mix different medications together in a single container or store them in unlabeled containers. If you have children, make sure that all medicines are kept where they cannot access them. Ask your London Drugs pharmacist to dispense your prescriptions in childproof containers. If you are not physically able to open childproof containers, the pharmacy can provide easy open lids, but be extra careful to store these containers out of sight and reach of children.

If you have any questions about the proper storage or disposal of your medications, your London Drugs pharmacists will be happy to advise you.

Don’t Suffer From Your Seasonal Allergies

As the weather warms, Mother Nature unleashes a storm of airborne allergens that cause teary eyes and stuffy noses in people who suffer from seasonal allergies, and there are a lot of us who do. In fact, nearly one-quarter of Canadians experience seasonal allergies. Specific allergy inducers vary from region to region and season to season, but tree and weed pollens are among the major offenders. Although not all of them are connected to a particular season, the ten most common allergy triggers across Canada are:

• air pollution
• dust mites (which thrive in humid weather)
• grasses
• insect bites
• mildew
• mould
• pets
• ragweed
• trees
• weeds

When pollen or other triggers are released into the air, we can inhale them, and they can travel into our nasal passages. When we are allergic to a substance we’ve breathed in, our immune system identifies it as an invader and sends out a chemical called histamine to attack it. Our reaction to the histamine is one of the causes of allergy symptoms.

We can begin to develop allergy symptoms at any time of life – in childhood, during our teen years, or even in adulthood. These symptom may include:

• Eyes that are puffy, red or watery
• Itchy eyes, nose or ears
• Runny or stuffy nose
• Frequent sneezing
• Dark circles under the eyes

Some people describe seasonal allergies as feeling like you have a bad cold that never goes away.

Treating Seasonal Allergies

It can be very difficult to eliminate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, but there are steps you can take to manage them. There are both prescription and over-the-counter medicines that can ease the symptoms. Examples include:

• Antihistamines are available as oral medicines, nasal sprays, and eye drops that help relieve sneezing, itching, runny nose, and watery eyes.

• Decongestants can provide temporary relief from nasal stuffiness and are available in oral dosage forms, nasal sprays, and eye drops.

• Combination products contain both an antihistamine and a decongestant to provide broader relief of symptoms.

• Cromolyn sodium, which can also ease symptoms, comes in various dosage forms, including nasal spray and eye drops.

• Nasal corticosteroids, a type of nasal spray, reduce inflammation in the nose and block allergic reactions.

• Leukotriene receptor antagonists block the action of chemicals other than histamine that play a role in allergic reactions. These must be taken every day to prevent symptoms before they occur.

• Allergy shots are injections given over a period of time to reduce, or sometimes even eliminate, allergy attacks. Each injection contains a tiny amount of a particular allergen that triggers your allergic reaction. The shot contains just enough of the allergen to stimulate your immune system, but not enough to cause a full reaction. Over time, the amount of the allergen in the shot is increased, and this helps your body get used to the allergen, making you less sensitive to it and less likely to have a reaction to it.

• Allergen tablets are now available. You can take them to increase your tolerance to grass and ragweed pollens. They are taken for about 12 weeks before grass pollen season starts and continued throughout the season.

• Nasal irrigation: In addition to these medications, some people find relief from saline nasal irrigation, which can relive nasal congestion by flushing mucus and allergens from the nose.

Reducing your exposure to allergens can also make it easier to get through allergy season. Here are some helpful tips:

• Avoid outdoor activity early in the morning when pollen counts are at their highest.

• Close doors and windows at night and at any other time when the pollen count is high.

• Don’t hang laundry outside to dry; pollen can stick to sheets and towels.

• When you come in from being outdoors, remove your clothes and shower to rinse the pollen from your skin and hair.

• Use the air conditioner in your home and car rather than opening the windows.

• Try wearing a mask if you must do chores outside.

If you have questions about allergy treatments or if you need help selecting a product to relieve your symptoms, your London Drugs pharmacists are always happy to help you.

Planning to travel with diabetes? Keep these tips in mind

General Travel Tips:

• Keep your medication, meal, and snack times as regular as possible.
• If travelling by air or car, try to do some form of activity during your journey: do simple stretches in your seat, circle your ankles, raise your legs, or move around periodically in the aisles.
• If you will be extremely active while travelling, you may need to decrease your diabetes medication, so be sure to discuss this with your diabetes educator or physician.
• If you are crossing time zones, you should discuss your meal and insulin schedule with your doctor or diabetes educator.

Carrying & Storing Insulin Tips:

• Insulin keeps its strength at room temperature for 30 days. If travelling in hot temperatures, store your insulin in an insulated bag. If travelling in cold temperatures, keep your insulin close to your body to stop it from freezing.
• You can carry a small sharps container to store used needles and syringes while travelling.
• When travelling by air, you may carry liquids such as insulin, juice or gels to treat hypoglycemia, etc., even in amounts greater than 100 ml. Just make sure they’re accessible and declare them to security when being screened.

Use this travel checklist to get ready for your trip:

Have a list of your medications. Include the generic names and their dosages from your pharmacist. Bring a letter from your doctor stating:

• Your diabetes treatment plan so doctors in the places you travel can understand your needs.
• That you need to carry syringes or needles for insulin pens and lancets as part of your insulin treatment. Having this will be helpful if your luggage is examined at airport security checkpoints.
• The supplies you need for your diabetes care. Be sure to keep your syringes, needles, pens, and lancets in the same boxes that they came in with the original prescription label on them.

Ask your doctor, diabetes educator or healthcare team about:

• Illness management
• Low blood sugar management (and Glucagon for insulin users)
• Adjustments for meals, insulin and medications in different time zones
• Avoiding illness caused by contaminated food and water
• Tips for adjusting your medication if required

Other tips to remember:

Pack extra supplies
Keep them in your carry-on bag in case your luggage goes astray. This includes your meter, test strips, glucose tabs, alcohol swabs and insulin pens or syringes (and insulin vials).

Bring plenty of travel snacks
Some good ones include low-fat granola bars, whole-wheat crackers or nuts. Be on the safe side and bring enough in case you get delayed. As well, bring some fast-acting sugar to treat low blood sugar. If you’re going to the U.S., you may not be able to bring certain types of food, like fruit.

Consider getting travel insurance
Before you leave for your trip, consider getting travel insurance. And remember, some countries require proof of health insurance on arrival.

Some other things to have:

• Telephone numbers of your doctor and diabetes educator
• Meter, test strips, and logbook
• Urine ketone-testing strips
• A print-out of your medical history summary from your healthcare professional

London Drugs also has Diabetes Management Clinics and Certified Diabetes Educators (CDEs) who offer one-on-one consultations specific to your needs. Learn more about this service here.

Tips for heart-healthy living

Did you know that heart-healthy living could prevent up to 80% of the cases of premature heart disease and stroke? Sounds great, but just what does heart-healthy living mean? Heart-healthy living involves understanding your risk, making healthy choices, and taking steps to reduce your chances of developing heart disease.

Understanding your risks

Factors that raise your risk of heart disease include:

• high blood pressure

• high cholesterol

• having diabetes or prediabetes

• being overweight or obese

• smoking

• being physically inactive

• unhealthy eating habits

• being 45 or older for males or being 55 or older for females

• family history of early heart disease (a father or brother diagnosed before age 55 or a mother or sister diagnosed before age 65)

• history of preeclampsia (sudden rise in blood pressure along with too much protein in the urine during pregnancy) Each risk factor increases the chance of developing heart disease. The more risk factors a person has, the higher the risk. Some risk factors—such as our age and family medical history—are beyond our control, so it is particularly important to control the ones we can.

Heart-healthy eating

Here are some tips that will help you make healthier food choices:

• Limit the amount of processed foods you eat.

• Select brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, and include a variety of them in every meal.

• Eat protein-rich foods such as fish, lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, soy products, and legumes.

• Pick oils and foods that are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils (not coconut or palm), nuts (almonds, walnuts, pine nuts), avocados, tofu.

• Choose whole grains more often.

• Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products.

• Pick healthy plant-based fats, such as olive oil or canola oil, instead of animal fats, such as butter.

• Fill half your plate with vegetables and/or fruits, one-quarter of your plate with whole grain foods, and one-quarter of your plate with protein foods.

Heart-healthy activity

There are four main types of physical activity: aerobic, stretching, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening. Aerobic activity is the type that provides the greatest benefit to your heart and lungs. Any level of aerobic activity—light, moderate, or vigorous— can benefit your heart, but moderate and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity done on a regular basis strengthens your heart muscle and improves your heart’s ability to pump blood to your lungs and throughout your body. This delivers greater blood flow to your muscles and raises the oxygen level in your blood. Examples of aerobic activities include:

• aerobic dancing and ballroom dancing

• bicycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, and jumping rope

• gardening, such as digging and hoeing

• hiking, walking, jogging, and running

• hockey, basketball, soccer, and tennis

• pushing a grocery cart around a store

Maintaining a healthy weight

Eating a healthy diet and being physically active will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, but it may not be enough. Even at a healthy weight, excess fat around the waist can increase your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes—health issues that contribute to your risk of developing heart disease.

Smoking and health

Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke increases the risk of developing heart disease. You can find more information on how smoking affects health and the benefits of quitting in the article “Tobacco: What you need to know” on page 19. If you smoke and want to stop, your London Drugs pharmacists can advise you on products and strategies that can increase your chances of quitting successfully.

Managing stress

Stress can increase the risk of heart disease, as well as leading to anxiety and depression. But practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga and tai chi for just a few minutes each day can help you manage your stress in a healthy manner.

Heart disease is a very common problem, but you have the power to reduce your risk by making some heart-healthy choices. If you have any questions about heart health, your London Drugs pharmacists will be happy to answer them.

Read other health-related articles in our BetterCare Magazine here.

Lifestyle choices & blood glucose

The most important aspect of diabetes management is controlling blood glucose (blood sugar) levels, and making healthy lifestyle choices plays a major role in achieving that goal. These healthy lifestyle choices fall into six main categories:

Healthy eating

While there is no single diet that is right for everyone with diabetes, there are a number of different eating plans that can help you manage your blood glucose levels, your blood pressure, your cholesterol, and your weight—all of which will help reduce your risk of developing diabetes-related complications such as heart attack and stroke. A registered dietitian can help you develop a meal plan that is best suited to meeting your personal needs, but here are some general guidelines to get you started:

• Diabetes Canada recommends choosing foods lower in fat, sodium (salt), and sugar. Fat adds extra calories, and saturated fats and trans fats increase the risk of heart disease. Salt and salty foods can lead to high blood pressure. Sugar adds extra calories and can make it more difficult to control cholesterol and manage blood glucose.

• How much you eat is just as important as what you eat, and your diabetes care team can guide you regarding portion sizes that are right for you. Canada’s Food Guide recommends filling half of your plate with vegetables and fruits. (People with diabetes should choose more vegetables than fruits because vegetables generally contain less sugar than fruits.) Separate the remaining half of your plate into two equal parts and fill one with protein food and the other with whole grain food.

• Making water your primary beverage choice will also help, because it is a sugar-free and calorie-free way of quenching your thirst.

• If you use alcohol at all—and you should check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you before consuming alcohol—do so in moderation.

Physical activity

Adding physical activity to your day is an important part of managing your diabetes as well as your overall health. You can start becoming more active by limiting the length of time you sit. Get up every 20 or 30 minutes and stand or move around. There are two types of exercise that are particularly important for people with diabetes:
aerobic exercise and resistance exercise.

Aerobic exercise involves continuous movement that increases heart rate and breathing. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, and riding a bicycle. In addition to helping you become more fit, the benefits of aerobic exercise include helping you achieve healthier levels of blood glucose, blood fat, and blood pressure.

Resistance exercise involves brief, repetitive exercises with weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or your own body weight. The benefits of resistance exercise include maintaining or increasing lean muscle mass, burning calories even while at rest, and weight control.

Getting started on your physical activity program will require some preparation, especially if you have been inactive for a while. Speak with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program to make sure that the activities you are planning to engage in are appropriate for you. Wear comfortable clothing and proper-fitting shoes that are right for the activity. Monitor your blood glucose level before starting to exercise and carry a fast-acting carbohydrate with you in case your blood glucose drops too low.

A healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight should be part of your diabetes management plan. Eating healthy and being physically active will help you control your weight, but even if your weight is in a healthy range, excess fat carried around the waist can raise your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. The best way to determine if your waist is causing a problem for your health is to measure it. To get an accurate measurement, stand upright and place the measuring tape around your waist. Exhale normally and read the tape. Unless your healthcare provider advises differently, women should aim for a waist circumference of no more than 88 cm (36 inches), and men should aim for a measurement no greater than 102 cm (40 inches).

Your treatment plan

Along with following your meal and activity plans, if your doctor has prescribed medication or insulin for you, it is critical to take it exactly according to the directions—every dose, every time.

Don’t smoke

Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke increase a person’s risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Because the risk of heart disease is already higher in people with diabetes, it is especially important for them
to avoid smoking. If you smoke and want to stop, your London Drugs pharmacists can advise you on products and strategies that can increase your chances of quitting successfully.

Blood glucose monitoring

Your diabetes care plan is focused on managing your blood glucose levels to keep you as healthy as possible and prevent complications. Monitoring your blood glucose will provide the information your healthcare team needs to guide you in making lifestyle and medication changes to improve your diabetes management. If you are newly diagnosed, it is important to receive training on how to use your meter properly. You will have to learn:

• how to get a blood sample

• where to take the sample from

• how to use and dispose of the lancets you use to pierce your skin to get the sample

• the size of the blood sample you will need

• the type of blood glucose strips to use

• how to check your meter to ensure that it is accurate

• how to clean and maintain your meter

There are newer types of glucose meters that don’t require you to draw a blood sample. A flash glucose meter uses a sensor that is inserted under the skin, usually in the upper arm, that measures blood glucose. A hand-held scanner swiped over the sensor enables the user to read the blood glucose level. A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is a device that also uses a sensor inserted under the skin to check blood glucose. A CGM monitors blood glucose continuously throughout the day and displays the readings. These monitors also provide alarms that alert users to high and low blood glucose levels, and they can be integrated with insulin pumps. Your diabetes care team can help you find the glucose monitoring system that best matches your personal needs.

Target blood glucose levels vary depending on a number of factors including age, medical condition, and other risk factors a person has. For example, targets can be different for pregnant women, seniors, and children 12 years of age and younger. Your healthcare provider will be able to tell you what your personal target range should be.

Read other health-related articles in our Living With Diabetes Magazine here.

Healthy eyes protect vision

Keeping your eyes healthy is an important factor in protecting your eyesight. Some eye diseases can lead to vision loss. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep your eyes healthy and protect your vision. The first step is to have your eyes checked as often as your healthcare provider recommends or as soon as you develop any new vision problem.

Many of the lifestyle choices that contribute to your overall health will also have a beneficial effect on your eye health. Unfortunately, sometimes even making healthy lifestyle choices and taking precautions doesn’t prevent all vision problems. Just getting older can bring changes that can weaken our eyes and affect our vision. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common causes of vision loss in people over the age of 60. According to the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, AMD affects nearly two million Canadians and accounts for 90% of the new cases of legal blindness in Canada. If not diagnosed until the condition is advanced, there is no cure for AMD, but laser surgery and injection of medication directly into the eye may help.

You can browse our selection of eye care products, from eye drops to contact lens solution in-store and online at and read other health-related articles in our BetterCare magazine here.


Diabetes and Heart Health

People with diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than people without diabetes, and they are more likely to develop these problems at a younger age.

This is due, at least in part, to the fact that high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels can damage blood vessels as well as the nerves that control the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, people with diabetes often have a number of other risk factors that increase the chances of developing heart disease. These risk factors include being overweight (especially if the excess fat is found around the waist), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, being inactive, and smoking or using other tobacco products. Having a family history of heart disease or stroke also increases the risk. Because there is nothing we can do about our family history, it is even more important to take actions to minimize those risk factors that we can control.

Reducing your risk

Fortunately, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke by taking steps to manage your blood glucose, monitoring your health, and making wise lifestyle choices. Here are some guidelines that will help.

• Alcohol intake: If you consume alcohol, check with your doctor to make sure it is all right for you to do so. Alcohol raises blood pressure by interfering with blood flow to and from the heart, and it can affect blood glucose levels. If your doctor says it is okay for you to drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

• Blood glucose: Aim for an A1C level of 7% or less by following your diabetes management plan.

• Blood pressure: Test your blood pressure regularly to make sure it is within the range your healthcare team has established for you, and have it professionally checked every time you visit your healthcare provider.

• Cholesterol: LDL cholesterol (sometimes called “bad” cholesterol) increases the risk of heart problems. Aim to keep yours below 2.0 mmol/L. To limit your LDL cholesterol and raise your HDL (“good”) cholesterol, limit the amount of animal fats you consume and eat more plant-based foods. Triglycerides, another type of blood fat related to cholesterol, can also raise heart disease risk. Check with your healthcare team to find out what range your triglycerides should be in and have your triglyceride levels checked periodically to make sure they are in that range.

• Smoking: The nicotine in tobacco causes blood vessels to narrow, which raises blood pressure. Smoking also makes blood pressure medications less effective. If you are a smoker and need help quitting, your London Drugs pharmacists can help with tips and smoking cessation products that can help you quit successfully.

• Stress: Stress can affect both blood pressure and blood glucose. Learn to manage stress in a healthy manner. Some options include socializing, being physically active, listening to soothing music, and engaging in a hobby you enjoy. Practicing relaxation techniques for just a few minutes each day can also help you manage your stress in a healthy manner.

Helpful relaxation techniques include:

• Yoga and tai chi are ancient arts that combine rhythmic breathing with postures or flowing movements. They provide a mental focus that is calming and can distract you from distressing thoughts.

• Mindful meditation involves sitting comfortably and focusing your attention on your breathing and on the present moment. Don’t let your mind drift to another time or place or to things you are concerned about. Research shows that mindful meditation may be helpful in relieving anxiety, depression, and pain.

• Guided imagery involves calling to mind images of places or experiences that you find soothing to help you relax.

• Breath focus is a simple technique in which you focus on taking long, slow, deep breaths and try to distance your mind from distracting thoughts.

• Body scan combines progressive muscle relaxation with breath focus. After a few minutes of deep breathing, focus your mind on one part of your body or one muscle group at a time and mentally release any physical tension you feel there. When the tension in that spot eases, shift your focus to another part of your body, moving your attention methodically until you have relaxed your entire body.

• Weight: Being overweight can make it more difficult to manage diabetes and can raise the risk for many health problems including high blood pressure and heart disease. A healthy eating plan and more physical activity often help. Excess fat carried around the waist can raise the risk of heart disease even in people who are not overweight. Ask your healthcare team to assess your waist circumference to see if your belly fat is in the healthy range.

When lifestyle changes aren’t enough to reduce your risk, your doctor may prescribe medication. It is important to take the medicine exactly as prescribed in order to get the most benefit from it. If you have any questions about your medicines or how to take them, your London Drugs pharmacists will be happy to answer them. Learn more about the Diabetes Management Clinics offered at London Drugs.

Managing your heart health

Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease for people living with diabetes. This is caused by a buildup of plaque, or cholesterol deposits in the coronary artery walls. These arteries serve to supply oxygen and blood to the heart. When the plaque narrows or blocks the arteries, it decreases the blood flow to the heart, which can then cause a heart attack. If the blood flow to the brain is decreased, a stroke can occur. 1

Adults with diabetes are nearly twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke as adults without diabetes. 2 Gradually, high blood sugar can cause damage to your blood vessels and nerves. When your blood vessels are weak, they can become leaky and susceptible to cholesterol buildup. 3 However, you can make changes today to lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke by knowing you ABCDEsss 4*.

A – A1C of 7.0% or less
This lab test is done every 3 to 6 months measures your blood sugar control.

B – Blood pressure (BP) of less than 130/80 mmHg
Systolic is your top number. Diastolic is your bottom number.

C – Cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) less than 2.0 mmol/L
Buildup of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and low HDL (high-density lipoprotein) increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Speak to your health care team about medication to lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Exercise and healthy eating.
See below for some tips.

Self-management support
People with diabetes should set personalized goals to manage their diabetes.

Screening for diabetes complications
Most people with diabetes will need a yearly foot exam, kidney evaluation and an eye exam.

Smoking increases your risk of heart attack and stroke
If you smoke, you should quit.

How to reduce your risk of a heart attack and stroke*

Maintain a healthy plate. 6

• Cook at home. Try to limit highly processed food and restaurant food that are high in salt, fat, and sugar. 7

• Read food labels. Look for foods with a % daily value (%DV) of less than 5% for fat, sodium, sugars. 8

• Make a grocery list. This helps to prevent impulse buys, helps you stay on budget and reduces food waste. 9

Exercise: Keeping active helps your diabetes and your heart

Experts recommend that keeping active can have major benefits for your diabetes, heart, and your weight. It is recommended that you should try to get 5*:

• 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Aerobic is exercise that makes you breathe faster and raises your heart rate. e.g. brisk walking, swimming, dancing, and riding a bike.

• Lifting weights 2 to 3 times per week.

Symptoms of heart disease. 10

The symptoms of heart disease may differ between men and women. Signs may include:

• Chest pain, including a burning sensation, heaviness or pressure/discomfort in the chest

• Upper body discomfort in your arms, neck, shoulders, back or jaw

• Shortness of breath

• Lightheadedness/fainting

• Sweating

• Nausea

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number.

TM see All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners © 2021 Ascensia Diabetes Care Canada Inc.
* Patient should consult with their health care provider about taking medications and prior to making any changes to treatment regimen. 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021). Diabetes and Your Heart. 2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (2020 NIDDK). Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke. 3. Heart and Stroke Foundation. Diabetes and heart disease: your top 3 questions answered. 4. Diabetes Canada (2020 Canadian Diabetes Association). Staying healthy with diabetes. 5. Diabetes Canada (2020 Canadian Diabetes Association). Physical activity and diabetes. 6. Canada’s Food Guide (2019 Government of Canada). Food guide snapshot. 7. Canada’s Food Guide (2019 Government of Canada). Cook more often. 8. Canada’s Food Guide (2019 Government of Canada). Use food labels. 9. Canada’s Food Guide (2019 Government of Canada). Meal planning. 10. Heart and Stroke Foundation. Emergency Signs.
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