Kids, Diabetes and School

Students with diabetes spend more than half of their waking hours in school during weekdays, so it is extremely important that the students, their parents or guardians, school personnel, and healthcare providers understand their roles and responsibilities in helping these students manage their diabetes and their schoolwork. They must all work together to meet the varying needs of each individual student.

Daily management

Daily diabetes management requires a balance of medication, food, and activity. A student whose blood glucose climbs too high or dips too low may be unable to perform school-related tasks. Often help from school personnel can provide the assistance that students need to manage their diabetes effectively.

Individual care plan

It all begins with the student’s individual care plan (ICP), which should be given to the school by the student’s parents or guardians. The ICP provides the school with pertinent details about the student’s daily diabetes management program and plans for dealing with emergencies.

The plan should provide the following information:

• Emergency contact information for the student’s parents or guardians and contact information for the student’s healthcare provider
• The type of diabetes the student has
• Medication/insulin dosing schedule
• Blood glucose (blood sugar) target range and frequency of testing
• Symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) along with instructions for appropriate treatment
• Treatment options for dealing with hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, including emergency procedures for dealing with severe hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
• A plan for preventing hypoglycemia following periods of increased activity
• Information about the proper storage of medical supplies and equipment the student might require while in school


It is important that students with diabetes eat all meals and snacks on time. School personnel must make sure that the students have enough time to finish all of the food they are supposed to eat. Younger students may need supervision to ensure that they consume everything they are supposed to eat when they are supposed to eat it.

Physical activity

Being physically active is important for people with diabetes, so students should be encouraged to participate in sports and other activities that include exercise. However, planning is important to ensure that their blood glucose levels remain in the safe range. Physical activity can trigger hypoglycemia. Sometimes an extra snack can bring blood glucose levels back into the safe range, but it is important that school personnel recognize the signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia so that they can take appropriate action in a timely manner.

Warning signs of hypoglycemia (less than 4 mmol/L):
• Confused, unable to concentrate
• Drowsy
• Feeling shaky
• Headachy
• Hungry
• Increased heart rate
• Light-headed
• Nauseated
• Nervous, irritable, anxious
• Numbness or tingling on the lips or tongue
• Sweaty
• Weak

Warning signs of severe hypoglycemia (less than 2.8 mmol/L):
• Confused and disoriented
• Having a seizure
• Loss of consciousness

Warning sign of hyperglycemia:
• Being tired
• Feeling thirsty
• Urinating more often than usual

Medications & insulin

The medication management schedule outlined in the student’s ICP should be followed very carefully. Some students may require supervision with medication or insulin administration, and parents/guardians must provide permission for school personnel to administer medications or insulin, and the school personnel must be provided with proper training. While some students with diabetes may have type 2, which can often be managed with oral medications, most students with diabetes have type 1, which means they require insulin. Insulin is delivered in three ways: by syringe, by insulin pen, and by insulin pump.

Insulin is stored in a vial and drawn into a syringe that is used to inject the insulin under the skin into an arm, thigh, buttocks, or stomach.

Insulin pen:
The pen contains a cartridge of insulin and a dial that permits the user to select the proper dose. A pin on the tip of the pen is used to inject the insulin.

Insulin pump:
This device administers insulin continuously through a small tube under the skin. The user can direct the pump to deliver an extra dose when more insulin is needed.

Insulin must be stored properly in order to be effective. Unopened vials or cartridges should be refrigerated until ready to be used. It is important to make sure the insulin does not freeze. Once opened, most vials and cartridges can be left at room temperature for up to 30 days. Insulin that has passed its expiry date should not be used.

Special accommodations

Special accommodations may need to be made for students with diabetes. For example:
• They must be given time and a place to test their blood glucose levels and to take their medications or insulin in accordance with their ICPs.
• They should be allowed to keep a water bottle with them.
• They should be allowed to take bathroom breaks as often as necessary.
• They should be allowed to snack when necessary to maintain a safe blood glucose level.
• They should be allowed to participate in school parties, field trips, and other events, but plans must be made in advance to accommodate any special needs.
• Accommodations should be made for taking tests. Both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can affect the ability to concentrate. It may be necessary to allow the student to measure his or her blood glucose prior to taking the test and to allow extra time to complete the test. In some cases, the test may need to be rescheduled for a student whose blood glucose is too low or too high.

Communication is key

Every child with diabetes is different, and needs vary. To provide the support each child needs to thrive requires good communication between parents/guardians, school personnel, and the child’s healthcare team. When everyone works together for the benefit of children with diabetes, these students can achieve academic success. Diabetes Management Clinics are also available at London Drugs for one-on-one consultations.

Read other articles in our latest issue of our Living with Diabetes magazine here or learn more about the Diabetes services offered at London Drugs.

Cold & flu season

Colds and the flu are both respiratory diseases caused by viruses and can spread through respiratory droplets released when a person breaths, coughs, sneezes, talks, or sings. You can catch the virus when it lands on your mouth or by breathing it in through the nose. Touching an object the virus has landed on and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes can also introduce the virus into your body.

Cold & flu: what’s the difference?

While a cold and the flu share many of the same symptoms, there are differences, and it is important to know what they are. Currently, flu season is being complicated by COVID-19, a respiratory infection that produces similar symptoms to the seasonal flu. The following table will help you determine if your symptoms are due to the common cold, seasonal flu, or COVID-19.

Cold symptoms:
Usually appear one to three days following exposure to a cold-causing virus.

Flu symptoms:
Usually appear one to four days after exposure to an influenza virus.

COVID-19 symptoms:
Usually appear between two days and two weeks after exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Relieving symptoms

There are no medicines that can cure a cold or the flu. If you think antibiotics can help, you’re mistaken. Antibiotics kill bacteria, but they have no effect on viruses. There are some prescription antiviral medicines that can help make symptoms milder and help you feel better faster, but they don’t actually cure the disease. There are also a variety of over-the-counter medicines that can help relieve symptoms:

• Analgesics can help relieve aches and pains.

• Antihistamines can help dry out a runny nose.

• Decongestants can help unclog a stuffy nose.

• Expectorants can help loosen mucus, making it easier to remove it through blowing your nose or coughing.

• Antitussives can help suppress a cough.

• Lozenges and analgesics can help relieve a sore throat.

• OTC cold medicines can also help provide relief.

Not every product is right for every person. It is important to read the product labels carefully and follow the directions exactly. If you aren’t sure which products might be right for you, our pharmacists will be happy to answer your questions and advise you on appropriate medications.

Prevention is the best option

It’s always better to prevent a problem than to try to fix it after it happens. Fortunately, there are steps you can take that will help you avoid getting a cold, the flu, or COVID-19. While there is no vaccine that can prevent the common cold, there are vaccines that can drastically reduce your chances of getting the flu or COVID-19. If there are no medical reasons prohibiting you from getting vaccinated, you should seriously consider vaccination. Your healthcare provider can advise you on whether this is the right decision for you.

There are also other steps that you can take to protect yourself against contracting a respiratory disease:

• Stay at least two metres (six feet) away from anyone who isn’t a member of your household.

• Wear a mask or other face covering in indoor public spaces and outdoors if you are in a crowd.

• Avoid close contact with anyone who appears to be sick with a cold or the flu.

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

• Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces such as light switches, doorknobs, countertops, telephones, and other electronic devices daily.

• Wash children’s toys periodically.

• Don’t share drinking glasses or eating utensils with anyone, not even family members.

Because the flu and COVID-19 cause such similar symptoms – or in some cases, cause no symptoms at all – it can be difficult to diagnose which condition a person has based solely on symptoms. There are tests that can determine which disease a person has. It is important to contact a health professional for an assessment if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. They may suggest testing for COVID-19 or self-isolation. Stay home from school or work if you are feeling unwell to prevent the spread of infections.

If you have any questions about treating coughs, colds, or the flu, or if you have any questions about COVID-19, your London Drugs pharmacists are always happy to help you.

Read other articles in our Fall-Winter 2021 volume of our Bettercare magazine here.


Know yourself: cancer self-exams

Early diagnosis of cancer improves outcomes by starting treatment at the earliest possible stage when treatment is most likely to be successful. An important step in early diagnosis is spotting changes in your body and bringing them to the attention of your doctor so the reason for the changes can be identified. Self-exams play an important role in helping you spot changes. A good place to start is with your skin.

Skin self-exam

When caught early, skin cancer is highly curable. The best way to recognize changes to your skin is to examine yourself head-to-toe every month.

What to look for:

• A new growth or an existing growth that changes in size and appears pearly, transparent, tan, brown, black, or multicoloured

• A mole, birthmark, or brown spot that gets larger than a pencil eraser, becomes thicker, or changes in texture or colour

• A spot or sore that continues to itch, hurt, bleed, crust, or scab

• An open sore that does not heal within three weeks

How perform a skin self-exam:

• Inspect your face, especially your nose, mouth, and the front and back of your ears. Use mirrors to get a clear view.

• Thoroughly inspect your scalp. Use a blow dryer to separate your hair and expose every section of your scalp so you can view it with a mirror. It may be easier if you can get a family member or friend to help.

• Scan your hands and arms. Look at your palms, the back of your hands, and between your fingers. Continue up your wrists and arms, and don’t forget your underarms.

• Check your torso. Start with your neck and move down to your chest, including the undersides of your breasts, then your abdomen.

• Inspect your back. Stand with your back to a full-length mirror and hold a hand mirror, moving it as needed so you can view your whole back, including your neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, and buttocks.

• Examine your genitals using a hand mirror.

• Scan your legs, front and back, using a hand mirror where necessary. Start at your thighs, move down your shins to your ankles, and finish with your feet, including the soles and your toes.

Breast self-exam

There is some debate about the value of breast self-exams in detecting breast cancer early when treatment has the best chance of being successful. While some healthcare professionals question the value of these exams, many physicians and health-related organizations firmly believe that breast self-exams are an important screening tool, especially when used in combination with regular physical exams by a doctor, mammograms, and sometimes ultrasound or an MRI.

What to look for:

• A change in size, colour, or shape of the breast

• Any lump, swelling, or distortion

• Breasts that are unevenly shaped

• Dimpling, puckering, or bulging skin

• Redness, soreness, or rash

• A nipple that has changed position or turned inward instead of sticking out

• Signs of fluid coming out of one or both nipples

How to perform a breast self-exam:

• Begin by standing in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and your hands on your hips, and inspect your breasts carefully, turning from side to side so you can see all areas of your breasts. Alternatively, you can perform the exam while lying down using a hand mirror. If you do it lying down, your breast tissue will spread out and become thinner, making it easier to feel what’s below the skin. Another option is to do it in the shower with your breasts lathered, making it easier for your fingers to glide smoothly across your skin.

• Using the pads of your fingers, not your finger tips, examine your left breast with your right hand and your right breast with your left hand. Keeping your fingers flat and together, use a circular motion to feel for anything unusual. Cover the whole breast area from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen and from your armpit to your cleavage.

Testicular self-exam

A testicular self-exam is a simple pain-free test that helps a male become familiar with his testicles so he will be able to notice any changes.

What to look for:

• A lump

• Pain or swelling in the scrotum

• Any change in size, shape, tenderness, or sensation

• A soft collection of thin tubes above the testicles

• A testicle that you cannot feel because it has not properly descended into the scrotum

How to perform a testicular self-exam:

• This test is best performed standing, either during or just after a shower when the scrotal skin is warm and relaxed.

• Gently feel the scrotal sac to locate the testicles.

• Using one hand to stabilize the testicle, use the fingers and thumb of the other hand to firmly but gently feel the entire surface of the testicle.

• Repeat the procedure on the other testicle.

The next step

Self-exams are just the first step in the early diagnosis of any health problem. If you notice anything unusual or anything that concerns you, see your doctor for further testing to identify the cause of the issue. That way, if there is a problem, it can be addressed at a stage when treatment is most likely to be successful.


Preparing for Flu Season

Flu season is approaching, and that means many Canadians will find themselves coughing, sneezing, and dealing with other unpleasant symptoms. But are those symptoms due to a cold, influenza (“the flu”), or COVID-19? Here’s a guide to what you need to know about these illnesses.


Everyone gets a cold occasionally. A cold usually lasts a week or two, and the symptoms generally develop slowly over a couple of days. The symptoms include sneezing, stuffy nose, and sore throat, minor aches, and mild to moderate chest discomfort and cough. Colds don’t usually lead to serious health problems such as pneumonia, but occasionally complications can develop, including infections in the throat, ears, or sinuses. There are a number of steps you can take to reduce your risk of catching a cold:
• Wash your hands often.
• Keep your hands away from your face and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent transferring the virus into your body.
• As much as possible, stay away from people who appear to be sick.
• Keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet and being physically active.
• Do not smoke. Smoking makes it more likely that you will catch a cold, and it makes the cold harder to get rid of.

There is no cure for a cold. Antibiotics will not help, because they fight bacteria but have no effect on viruses, and colds are caused by viruses. What you can do for relief is to treat the symptoms.

Here are some helpful tips:

• Drink plenty of fluids to help soothe a sore throat and thin the mucus in your nose and lungs. Hot fluids such as tea and broth can be especially helpful in relieving a stuffy nose.
• Take hot showers and use a humidifier in your bedroom to relieve a stuffy nose.
Saline drops may help drain thick or dried mucus.
• A dab of petroleum jelly can ease the discomfort of a red, raw nose.

If you decide to try cough and cold medicines, there are some things you need to know. These medications should not be given to children under six years of age. They won’t work on young children, and they may be harmful. For children age six and over, follow the instructions on the package carefully. Make sure you understand what the proper dose is and how often the dosing can be repeated. Whether these drugs are given to a child or an adult, if more than one is used, make sure they don’t contain any of the same ingredients, because you could risk getting an overdose of some ingredients by combining the recommended doses of several products.


Unlike colds, flu symptoms develop suddenly. In addition to cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle or body aches, common flu symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and fatigue. The flu is more serious than a cold, and it can lead to pneumonia and worsening of some existing conditions such as asthma. And even though the flu is caused by a virus, it can lead to bacterial infections. The best way to avoid catching the flu is to get vaccinated—either by getting a flu shot or by getting the nasal spray vaccine. In general, the flu vaccine is recommended for everyone age six months and older; however, there are some people who should not receive the vaccine. Your healthcare provider is in the best position to advise you on the vaccine and whether the shot or the nasal spray would be best for you. The effectiveness of the vaccine varies from year to year, depending on how closely the vaccine matches the particular flu virus that is circulating each year. Even if you do catch the flu after being vaccinated, it is likely that your symptoms will be milder and that your flu won’t last as long.

One thing that is important to understand is that the flu vaccine cannot cause the flu. The same good health habits that will help keep you from catching a cold will also help prevent the flu. People who are at high risk of flu complications should check with their doctor as soon as they think they may be experiencing flu symptoms. People in this category include young children, adults age 65 and older, pregnant women, and those with certain chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and asthma.
If you do get the flu, antiviral drugs may provide a helpful treatment. Antiviral medications can lessen symptoms and shorten the time you are sick by a day or two. They can also help prevent serious complications.

To register to be notified via email when flu shots are available at your local store, click here.


COVID-19 is yet again adding another dimension to flu season. Symptoms can vary from person to person, and some people who are infected with the virus experience no symptoms at all. When symptoms do occur, they may include any of the following:

• Abdominal pain
• Chills
• Cough
• Diarrhea
• Fatigue or weakness
• Feeling feverish
• Feeling very unwell
• Headache
• Loss of the sense of smell or taste
• Muscle or body aches
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or above
• Vomiting

Symptoms usually appear 5-6 days after exposure to the virus but it may take up to 14 days, or the virus can also be spread by people who have no symptoms. Getting 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to reduce your chances of becoming infected.

The most common ways the virus spreads are through:
• Inhaling the virus in respiratory droplets spread by a cough or sneeze
• Touching something that the droplets have landed on and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth before washing your hands
• Personal contact, such as by hugging someone or shaking hands

You can reduce your chances of catching the virus by taking some basic precautions:
• Avoid crowded places, especially indoor areas with poor ventilation
• Avoid non-essential trips out of your home
• Do not gather in groups
• Stay at least 2 metres away from other people
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
• Wear a mask or face covering when out in public
• Get vaccinated

If you become ill and think you may have COVID-19, stay home from school or work and isolate yourself to avoid spreading the virus to others. If you live with other people, stay at least 2 metres apart at all times. Call your healthcare provider or 8-1-1 for assessment and possible referral to COVID-19 testing.

To learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations, click here.


Allergy Season is Here: How to Identify and Treat Your Symptoms

Budding blooms, runny noses and itchy eyes are often the tell-tale signs that allergy season has officially arrived. But with this year’s allergy season coinciding with the coronavirus pandemic, it has never been more important for seasonal allergy sufferers to be proactive about symptom management. It is also important to be aware of the difference between seasonal allergy symptoms and those caused by viral infections like the coronavirus or a cold.

Treating Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

While many people think of allergy medication as reactive, allergy sufferers should instead begin taking the medication before experiencing symptoms. Allergy medications can take a few weeks to become fully effective so by taking them proactively, you can save yourself a lot of suffering as the season intensifies.

Treating a variety of allergy symptoms can be a complex process, and it is important to choose the right medications, whether that is antihistamines, decongestants, sinus rinses, nasal sprays, eye drops or a combination. Pharmacists can help you differentiate seasonal allergy symptoms from other health issues, and determine the best treatment to target specific allergens and symptoms.

Allergen avoidance is another way to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. Our pharmacists encourage allergy sufferers to keep windows shut and run air conditioning to recirculate air. Check daily pollen forecasts and limit outside exposure when pollen counts are at their highest. Consider using a HEPA filter at home to help reduce common allergens in the air such as mold, pollen, animal dander and dust mites.

Seasonal Allergy vs. Coronavirus Symptoms

While a wide variety of symptoms have been reported in connection with coronavirus, the two most common symptoms are a high fever and a cough. Seasonal allergies do not cause fever and, unless you have pre-existing asthma, they do not cause symptoms like shortness of breath. Symptoms more common of seasonal allergies include itchy or watery eyes and sneezing.

Symptoms of COVID-19 vary significantly from person to person. Some people may experience mild symptoms, while others have more severe symptoms. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, self- isolate immediately, avoid contact with others and get tested for COVID-19.

Seasonal Allergy vs. Cold Symptoms

The similarities between cold symptoms and allergy symptoms can make it difficult to tell which condition to treat. While allergies and the common cold share many symptoms, those who experience seasonal allergies generally suffer from itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose. Symptoms of a cold may include aches and pains, a sore throat, and in some cases a fever and chills, which are not typical of seasonal allergies. A cold will generally only last about a week or two, whereas seasonal allergies will have much longer-lasting symptoms.

Have more questions? Visit the pharmacy at your local London Drugs, where our knowledgeable and experienced pharmacists can help answer any questions you might have about seasonal allergies and symptom management.

If you become ill and think you may have COVID-19, do not visit the pharmacy. Isolate yourself at home. You can access your province’s self-assessment tool at Contact your healthcare provider for advice on how to relieve the symptoms.


BC Government Announces Additional AstraZeneca Vaccines Available at 20 London Drugs Locations in the Lower Mainland

London Drugs Opens Online Appointment Booking System for those Aged 55 to 65

April 5, 2021 – Richmond, B.C. – London Drugs will open up online appointment booking after the province has announced limited additional supply of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Starting at 12:45 pm (PST) on Monday April 5, those aged 55 to 65 can visit the online booking system at and follow the prompts to find available appointments.

2200 doses will be distributed amongst 20 London Drugs locations in the Lower Mainland before the end of day Monday April 5 with additional supply expected in the coming weeks.

“With the overwhelming demand, we are happy to see the government now accelerating the distribution of the vaccine through our pharmacies,” said Chris Chiew, General Manager of Pharmacy at London Drugs.

Patients will now be able to join a waitlist on a first-come-first-serve basis so that when vaccine inventory is depleted, they will be notified when more appointments become available. Patients on the waitlist will also be notified if there are “no shows” to previously booked appointments. Everyone wanting an appointment must go through the same online booking system.

“We are doing everything we can to quickly respond to changing vaccine supply and help the government ensure a widespread, easily accessible and equitable vaccination campaign as we do every year for flu,” said Chiew. “Thank you to our customers and patients for their patience. And to our pharmacy staff for their early efforts in what will be one of the largest public immunizations efforts ever undertaken in the province.”

For months, London Drugs pharmacists have been assisting with the Province’s vaccination efforts by administering the COVID vaccine on-site at various assisted living facilities and hospitals in B.C. to help speed up delivery to those most at-risk.

AstraZeneca Vaccines will be available for eligible British Columbians aged 55-65 at the following locations:

West Broadway

525 West Broadway

Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1E6

(604) 448-4804

North Vancouver

2032 Lonsdale Avenue

North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M 2K5

(604) 448-4805

Guildford Town Centre

10355 152 Street

Surrey, British Columbia V3R 7B9

(604) 448-4809

Granville and Georgia

710 Granville Street

Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1E4

(604) 448-4802

Lougheed Town Centre

9855 Austin Avenue

Burnaby, British Columbia V3J 1N4

(604) 448-4825


2091 W 42nd Avenue

Vancouver, British Columbia V6M 2B4

(604) 448-4810

London Plaza

5971 No.3 Road

Richmond, British Columbia V6X 2E3

(604) 448-4811

Coquitlam Centre

2929 Barnet Highway

Coquitlam, British Columbia V3B 5R5

(604) 448-4815

West Oaks Mall

32700 South Fraser Way

Abbotsford, British Columbia V2T 4M5

(604) 852-0936

Wessex – Kingsway

3328 Kingsway Avenue

Vancouver, British Columbia V5R 5L1

(604) 448-4828


Trenant Park Mall

5237 – 48th Avenue

Delta, British Columbia V4K 1W4

(604) 448-4837

Cottonwood Mall

45585 Luckakuck Way

Chilliwack, British Columbia V2R 1A1

(604) 858-9347


Park Royal North

875 Park Royal North

West Vancouver, British Columbia V7T 1H9

(604) 448-4844

Valley Fair Mall

22709 Lougheed Hwy

Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 2V5

(604) 448-4847


Ironwood Plaza

11666 Steveston Hwy

Richmond, British Columbia V7A 5J3

(604) 448-4852

41st & Victoria

5639 Victoria Drive

Vancouver, British Columbia V5P 3W2

(604) 448-4853



32555 London Avenue

Mission, British Columbia V2V 6M7

(604) 820-5115


900 Gibsons Way

Gibsons, British Columbia V0N 1V7

(604) 886-8720


Morgan Crossing

15850 26th Avenue

South Surrey, British Columbia V3S 2N6

(604) 448-4881


Garibaldi Village

40282 Glenalder Place

Squamish, British Columbia V8B 0G2

(604) 898-8270




Asthma – London Drugs bettercare

As easy as breathing. It sounds like such a simple thing, but if you have asthma, breathing is not simple at all. Asthma is a chronic lung condition in which the airways are extra sensitive, which causes them to react by narrowing, making breathing difficult.


Asthma can occur in people of any age, but it usually strikes for the first time during childhood. At least 12% of Canadian children and 8.4% of the population age 12 and over have been diagnosed with the condition. Asthma is the leading cause of absenteeism from school and the third leading cause of work loss.

The first signs are often a cough or slight shortness of breath, especially after exercise. Other common signs are wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. One in three children has at least one episode of wheezing by the third birthday and close to half will have an episode by the sixth birthday. About half of preschool children with wheezing will outgrow the problem. The symptoms can be similar to the symptoms of allergic reactions, bronchitis, or postnasal drip, so your doctor may want to perform some tests to rule out other breathing problems and to make sure that your problem is asthma before beginning treatment.

Once your doctor is sure that your problem is asthma, you can plan to control the symptoms. The first step is to develop an action plan, a series of instructions that your doctor will customize for you. Your action plan should be in writing, and you should make sure you understand it completely. It will include instructions on when you should contact the doctor, under what circumstances you should adjust your medication, when you should go to the hospital, and what you should do on the way.

Asthma Medicines

Medication will play a large part in helping you manage your asthma. There are two main types of medication you will become familiar with: anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as preventers) and bronchodilators (also known as relievers or rescue drugs).

Anti-inflammatory medications help to prevent attacks by reducing inflammation, swelling, and mucus in the airways. This prevents symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness. In order for these medications to work, you must take them on a regular basis. Preventer medicines act slowly and will not stop an asthma attack.

Bronchodilators relieve the spasms in the muscles surrounding the airways that bring on sudden symptoms. They are taken once an asthma attack has started, and they work by relaxing the tight muscles that narrow the breathing passages. With the muscles more relaxed, air can move more easily through the airways. Because the regular, frequent use of bronchodilator therapy may actually worsen asthma, one of the goals of treatment is to prevent symptoms, reducing the need for these drugs.

It is crucial that you use your inhaler properly, or you won’t get the maximum benefit from it. If you have any questions about using your inhaler, your London Drugs pharmacist can help.

Your Asthma Diary

Taking your medication is important, but it is not the whole story. The medicines help you control your asthma symptoms, but they cannot cure the condition. Fortunately, there are a number of other steps you can take to help manage your asthma so you can lead a full, active life. One important component of an asthma management program is to keep an asthma diary. This is really very easy to do, and it will help you pinpoint the factors that trigger your asthma attacks as well as help you chart the progress of your treatment.

To maintain an asthma diary, you will need to measure your breathing with a peak flow meter. Record this measurement in your asthma diary along with the date and time of the reading. It can also be helpful to record how you feel at the time of the test (for example, “no difficulty breathing” or “chest feels tight”) and to record what you ate and what activities you participated in around the time of the reading (for example, “rode bicycle for half an hour then ate a chocolate bar”). Keeping track of your symptoms and what you ate and what you were doing when they occurred will help you identify those things that trigger your body to have an asthma attack.
It will also help you keep track of how well your medication is working so you and your doctor can decide whether your treatment plan needs to be modified.

Identifying Your Triggers

Many things can trigger an asthma attack, and they vary from person to person. Asthma triggers fall into two main categories: allergic triggers and non-allergic triggers. Allergic triggers include pollen, mould, animal dander, dust mites, and some foods. Non-allergic triggers include smoke, fumes, perfumes, weather conditions, intense emotions, infections, exercise, and some medications. If you aren’t sure whether any of the medicines you take could trigger asthma symptoms, talk with your London Drugs pharmacist.

It would be wonderful if you could identify all of your triggers and avoid them, but that isn’t usually possible. It would be difficult to avoid all pollen or smoke, and it would be next to impossible to avoid all emotional situations or weather conditions. However, if you know what your triggers are, you can do a lot to reduce your exposure to them. For example, if grass pollen triggers your asthma, you can stay indoors when the grass is being cut; if perfume is one of your triggers, you can look for unscented products and avoid perfumes and colognes; if cold air causes you problems, you can try skating in an indoor rink.

Another important factor in controlling asthma is to remain physically fit, because exercise helps to improve the respiratory system. However, people with asthma have to be careful to prepare properly before beginning an activity. This may mean adjusting the medication, so it is important to discuss your plans with your doctor before beginning an exercise program or participating in a sport.

Sometimes You Need a Change

As long as you can maintain good control of your asthma symptoms, you and your doctor will probably continue with the action plan you developed at the start of your treatment program. However, sometimes the plan needs to be adjusted as the treatment progresses. There are signs you should watch for that will indicate that a treatment change might be necessary.

Be alert to the following and tell your doctor if:

  • your symptoms begin to interfere with your daily activities
  • your reliever medicine doesn’t provide complete relief or if you have to increase the amount you use to get relief
  • your peak flow readings drop
  • you begin to have difficulty exercising
  • you experience shortness of breath when you haven’t been exercising
  • you have persistent tightness in your chest or morning wheezing
  • you awaken more than two nights in a row coughing or wheezing.

Sometimes your asthma may require immediate medical attention. Call your doctor or visit the emergency room immediately if:

  • you have a severe asthma attack
  • you get chest pains
  • you begin to cough and cannot stop
  • your oral temperature rises above 38º C (100º F) during an asthma attack.

Your Pharmacist

There are many ways your London Drugs pharmacist can help you manage your
asthma, such as:

  • explaining how and when to take your medication
  • demonstrating how to use inhaler devices and peak flow meters
  • clarifying your doctor’s instructions
  • advising on over-the-counter medicines that are appropriate for people with asthma.

If you have any questions about your condition or the medicines you take, remember that your pharmacists are here to help you.

Above all, there is one thing to remember about asthma: You can control it. If you follow your treatment plan, take your medicine properly, identify your triggers and minimize your exposure to them, and stay physically fit, you can lead a full and active life.

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