Re-discover the World of Vinyl

Vinyl4_2014_PromoSlot_RightMusic is not just background noise. It’s meant to be enjoyed and appreciated, the rhythms and lyrics meant to occupy a space in your mind that overshadows the hectic craziness. The music industry has done a good job in keeping up with our crazy lives offering convenience in delivery and catchy songs that come in and out of style as quickly as fad diets and fashion trends, but at what cost? When is the last time you have sat down and listened to an album that you love? When is the last time you have felt your music?

Digital music, MP3’s or streaming, is meant to be portable. Take some tunes with you to play while you are doing other things. Background music.

A whole new generation of people are discovering that convenience cannot possibly replace the feeling of connecting with the music the way the artist intended. Vinyl music continues to inspire artists and music lovers to appreciate their music in a whole new way. Music is an art, and Vinyl provides artists with a canvas that has never been replicated. Take a vinyl album, with its big, beautiful cover art and liner notes, take it out of its sleeve and smell the fresh vinyl, place it on the turntable and drop the needle. The second you hear the needle drop and your speakers crack to life, you are hearing music the way the artist intended. No compression. Sit down and listen to the album, in the order the artist intended, as a journey.

Digital Music is to vinyl what a photograph of a beautiful painting is to seeing that painting hanging in a gallery. Not only do you experience the warm, rich and inviting sound profile, but unlike digital formats, you have something to hold, to treasure, to replay again and again. How many times have you heard ‘I have a bunch of records in my attic’? There is a reason they are still there, because they are treasured the same way as old photographs or other reminders of the past that cannot be parted with. One day they will live on again and take their owner back to a different time, or introduce someone new to the timelessness they possess.

Take the time. Drop the needle. Sit back and put the world on hold. When is the last time you did? When is the last time you shared your favourite music with someone? When is the last time you really listened to and felt the music you love?

It’s time to upgrade your music collection to be timeless.   Check out the vinyl selection at London Drugs.

By Chris G.

One thought on “Re-discover the World of Vinyl

  1. Olive Olajide says:

    I always listen to my vinyl, Ray Charles – Brook Benton – Fats Domino and many others,nothing beats vinyl, I even have some [more than a few] vinyl 45’s I bought in the 1956-9 era when I was a teen-ager and I brought with me when I came to live in Canada 1970 and they are in very good shape…Olive. .

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